Race report Wensleydale triathlon 10/08/14 Ill start off with - TopicsExpress


Race report Wensleydale triathlon 10/08/14 Ill start off with registration on Saturday evening. Arrive to find that the field for my race was only about 40 competitors. I joke that 40th would be a good placing for me. Im asked if this is my first event. I reply no. Technically Im right having completed Cranbrook sprint in June 2013! Good he tells me as this is definitely NOT A RACE FOR BEGINNERS. My chimp goes mental and for the rest of the night and all I can think is DNF next to my name. Fast forward to Sunday morning 09:45 and its race briefing in the cold and rain. Full distance (half iron) set out at 10am. Long 45 min wait till my wave starts. We all comment on how long the swim looks. It is supposed to be 1000m we agree it looks at least 1500m. Race director informs us wind and weather have moved the buoys a little ! Into the water and its actually warm. Purposefully go to the back to avoid the underwater wrestling match. Horn sounds and we are off. Find a rhythm early and start passing people with only a few minor kicks to the face, latch onto another swimmer and keep up with them round the course and out in 29:16 about middle of the pack. Really unsteady coming out of the water and very rocky underfoot. Into T1 everything is soaked and have a bit of a mare getting shoes and socks on but eventually out in 5:39. Straight out of transition and into the first of the 1 in 4 climbs. Legs still wobbly from the swim and I end up walking. Crushing is not the word. Chimp goes into full swing you can not do this. I get to the top embarrassed as the majority of people slowly cycle past me. I get back on the bike and continue on a bit of downhill and start feeling slightly better. Cycle into Askrigg Village which is the start of a 900 foot climb including two more 1 in 4 hills and two 1 in 5. Demoralising is not the word. Climb up to think youve reached the top only to realise your half way up and even bigger hill! Finally get to the top with more walking but am now on my own in the rain feeling sh#t. Askrigg common is pretty stunning and mostly downhill avoiding the odd sheep. Get to a twisty 1 in 4 decent and get off and walk as Im just not that confident on the bike and the road was turning into a river. Back on the bike and up to Buttertubs pass which was one of the climbs used on the Tour de France. The top was literally in the clouds and visibility was very poor. On the way down it cleared up and even stopped raining. The road surfaces had been re done for the tour and it was perfect speeding along. Was my favourite part of the route and it led back down into transition. The monkey was spanked and firmly put back in its place! I clocked the cycle route on my garmin as 17 miles. Was supposed to be 20 but in all honesty I was glad it was over! Another long transition, had to put a base layer on as I was frozen, trail running shoes, and grab my camelbak with all my mandatory kit for the run (This is a course on open fell and runners must be prepared with minimum kit to run in the hills (waterproof top, map of course, whistle, emergency food and water). Anyone leaving transition without this equipment will be stopped and disqualified. There will be spot checks.) Legs felt good and it was nice to see some supporters around transition which gave a lift to the spirits. Off of the main road and into the fields alone again. Had been going for a bit and seen no other competitors, Marshals or signs. Stopped to check map, seemed to be going in the right direction so carried on. Eventually found a sign and then the climb of Great Shunner Fel, the third highest peak in the dales began. luckily I only had to do the 10k so was only going halfway up. Felt for the people on the longer distance going to the top. Reached the turnaround point with walk/run (but with more walking) and then jogged down but started cramping up. It was straight back down but somehow I got a little off course but eventually finished with a time of 4hrs 02min 20sec 30th out of 34. Thanks for all the messages of support and encouragement would not have made it to the start line without the club members and coaches. :-)
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 08:40:29 +0000

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