RainDrops… Raindrops mean different or rather feel different to - TopicsExpress


RainDrops… Raindrops mean different or rather feel different to each one of us in different age groups. I can hear the rain drops on roof tops right now and I know what I am feeling at this very moment. If I go in flash back,I remember the starting of my summer vacations.. when I was in primary or middle school and we didn’t own a car at that time. At that time rain drops used to always fall in an unwanted category as they used to stop me from going and spending my valuable time with my grand parents,they used to be a big size bottleneck between those ‘hot kachaurees’ and ‘gulab jamuns’ which my nani used to keep ready for me n my sisters wenever we used to visit them.And how can I forget our fatal attraction of watching all our pending films on their VCR.And I rem the moment I used to wait in my balcony when the rain drops wud stop falling n I can shout aloud letting dad know that now we can start off on our two wheeler .Oh!I used to love spending time with them.Infact the time I spent with them in childhood is the only reason which still ties me so close to them . I am unable to interact with them frequently now but somehow I still don’t forget to know or ask their well being. I love u nanaji-naniji. Then I grew older ,my sphere expanded, rains started to occupy a better place in my life than before.I rem,attimes it used to rain so much and we used to be coming back from school pretty early due to flooding,oh wow!wat a victorious feeling..cmng back home early form school..and somehwr a chuckle inside planning wat all I wud b doing the whole day .I would always be thankful to my mom –dad for giving me such a memorable childhood,I doubt I can ever give my child that much amount of focus and freedom at the same time. Then rains were somewhat neutral for me,I used to luv tht smell of earth ,I doubt if ever any perfume can be so mesmorizing as that fragerance.I rem our college used to get opened after rains in delhi and the new session used to start…all wet corridors and pathways with pink bougainvillea flowers all dropping down of those creepers…it ws lovly..all was expected out of us was to study and have a ‘controlled’ fun ratio.It was as if a wave of freshness is all rolling up..life is inviting us to come and enter its gigantic castle and make it our own. I used to luv having pakodaas sitting in my balcony in rains although I rem the bad traffic it used to bring along.But then our mind was tuned to accept it,we used to love the rain more than traffic so it was never that bothering till it doesn’t gt too mch. And then slowly as life progressed,rains became a messenger of love and compassion.A magical feeling to be along someone who can share that very moment with you and may be have a sip of tea along.I was complete with that thought.Nothing else mattered.Listening to music in background and making yourself feel enriched with what is so important for you to feel alive.Rather rains became the medium to love myself and pamper with all what I ever needed.I still remember how much a simple track being played on my laptop made me full of life. And now whenever I am somewhere low or trying to struggle out of any situation in life, these rains are still trying to pump in the same life into me and I can say that I luv them for this..I find them as a gift or a sign from god to me stating that there is always an answer to every question in life. The energy from them do get absorbed into me. N I feel so much full of life to listen to their music ,dancing to their tunes.These rain drops become my bestest buddy and a true inspirer. They somehow make me happy even in hard situations making me stronger and filling me with hope. A hope that the sunrise is close enuff. I wish and hope that the rains are as kind to you all as they have been kind to me all through till now and you too can hear your answers to those questions which you put across to life through these small little numerous rain drops. Wishing you all a contented walk and a fulfilling dance in the rains and your lives.
Posted on: Sun, 08 Sep 2013 19:23:14 +0000

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