Ramza Hitti-Pogachar The Ukraine is only one facet of a much - TopicsExpress


Ramza Hitti-Pogachar The Ukraine is only one facet of a much larger geopolitical chess match shaping up in the region. According to his recent interview on the SUNDAY WIRE radio show, geopolitical analyst and author F. William Engdahl believes the chessboard extends much further south, and eastward. Engdahl explains, “Putin just signed a multi-billion dollar gas exploration deal off the coast of Palestine and Gaza, and also signed a major energy exploration deal with the Syrian government, and a week ago announced they are in talks with the Iranians for a barter deal for a billion and half dollars of oil for Russian machinery and military equipment – a huge help to the Iranian economy to end-run the sanctions through barter since the sanctions go through the SWIFT-Interbank payment system and black the money flows – this is a way to get around that.” “Putin is making Russia a major global player in the hottest energy play in the world today which is the Eastern Mediterranean-Levant basin… This is one of the major factors driving the whole Syria conflict – the undeclared war over control of natural gas pipelines – more than oil pipelines, because the European Union is the natural gas growth market for the world over the next 20 to 40 years.” “What they are trying to do is isolate Russia, cripple it economically – the move of the Yanukovich government to go with the Russian offer of reduced natural gas prices and access to the Eurasian economic movement that Putin has made a priority of his Presidency… that is something that NATO wants to prevent at all costs.” Meanwhile, Ukrainian are left to pick up the pieces as a casualty on the Grand Chessboard. Korybko concludes: “Either the EU will in no way accept a future failed-state Ukraine, licking its wounds from prolonged civil strife, to enter into the organization, or it, in coordination with its NATO overseers, had it planned all along to collapse the country and profitably rebuild it under the aegis of the West. Either way, the fabled ‘path to Europe’ has been exposed as the sham that it is, and absolutely nothing of positive value can come to the average citizen from what the militant participants have done to their country in the name of ‘Euro-integration”.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 05:48:35 +0000

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