Ran over to the Dallas Divide near Telluride, Colorado to grab the - TopicsExpress


Ran over to the Dallas Divide near Telluride, Colorado to grab the last bit of fall color....to my surprise there was color everywhere...and the clouds were radical all day long, what an insane sunrise....craziest thing, when I was there a few weeks ago the place was CRAWLING with photographers....but the divide was still pretty green.... yesterday I played around in this meadow for an entire hour and not one photographer was around. A fun day shooting with tons of elbow room and one of a kind captures--Ill post a few throughout the week. I had my i-tunes cranked all day..... listening to a few playlists I havent visited in awhile...Willie Nelson and I were jammin ......had to laugh. I love this quote of his..... Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, youll start having positive results. Willie Nelson This is something I put into play last May and have one thing to say.... you, my friend are on to somethin!!! Happy Sunday... D800 10-24mm lens, 5 images tone mapped together to form a single digital file which I enhanced in CS6. Used Photomatix to tone map... My exposures varied from ISO 100 1/15 @ f16 to 1/200 @ f 16. A few had an ND filter in the sky. All were set on my D800 default flash white balance setting...
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 15:04:55 +0000

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