*Rant Alert* I have not had a rant for ages. So. Some of the - TopicsExpress


*Rant Alert* I have not had a rant for ages. So. Some of the things that irritate me (please feel free to add more): Jaywalkers especially the bellenderatti who fail to acknowledge you even after you have just saved their life by paying attention to the road even if they haven’t. People who express an opinion and then try to give it gravitas by adding the word fact at the end. (Total twittery). Politicians. (Insignificant creatures but with sufficient power to diminish the quality of life). Wet farts, I hate it when that happens. People who are never on time, (that really drives me mad as it shows a complete selfish disregard for everyone else). Brenden Rogers (for nicking Saints best players instead of finding his own). “For security or training purposes, calls may be recorded”. (Which really means just in case you sue us for misrepresentation or worse we will have a record of it, because after only a brief conversation with our employees you will realise they are as thick as rhino sh1t and could drop us in the khaki at any time). Spotty faced youths racing around in souped up Fiestas, wearing baseball hats that are either three sizes too big, or are worn the wrong way around. No, you dont look cool, sunshine, you look retarded. Forrest Gump looked like a genius compared to you. This report contains flash photography. Your call is important to us... (Answer the bloody phone then). TV reporters; driven/flown miles to show us what a snow-covered or flooded road looks like. Eggs Smart cars Tailgaters Cyclists who use pedestrian crossings. The BBCs no adverts policy which exempts their own programmes and just about every so-called celebrity who has a book, DVD, reality show, cookery programme, expedition, charity walk or sponsored cycle to promote. Two weather forecasts on the BBC, national immediately followed by local, two different reports. Viking bloody River Cruises Litter louts, especially the smokers People who say can I get instead of may I have. “From the get go” Women who say they fell pregnant. (No, love. You dont just fall pregnant. There’s actually a process involved before hand that takes two people or a laboratory). Overtaking on a roundabout in the wrong lane then cutting back in. “Get 10% off your first order. (That just tells me your crappy merchandise is overpriced!) Supermarket trolley bays with two separate rows - one for the full sized trolleys and one for the light-shopping load trolleys and the knuckle draggers have trouble with pushing their empty trolley behind and into the corresponding type of trolley already stacked there. Polly Toynbee, Harriet Harman, the Millibands and all the other champagne socialist self-righteous hypocrites. Russell Brand When I visit a pub or restaurant and the words no worries or no problem are used by the staff. ( I just know the service isnt going to be up to much). Spam (not the tinned meat) Cold calls Women sports reporters who are gorgeous looking, usually blonde hair and nice boobs, nice legs, often tight tops and moist lips ..Ive forgotten where Im going with this...
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 14:06:59 +0000

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