Rant of the week: If your coach cannot (or WILL not) tell you - TopicsExpress


Rant of the week: If your coach cannot (or WILL not) tell you the reason why for the diet, training or cardio protocols theyre giving you, think twice about if you should put your trust (and your money) in their hands. Weight loss and maintenance involves more than simple deprivation, it takes strategy and should be rooted in a scientific approach. Any idiot on the street can tell you to eat less, and do more cardio. Too many coaches are nothing more than competitors themselves whos hubris of their own success blinds them to just how ill prepared they actually are for this job. Far too many coaches dont know how to do anything except starve themselves and run themselves into the ground with cardio but get away with it due to their genetics so therefore they try to do the same with everyone else. If your requests for the reasoning behind their protocols are met with smoke and mirrors, and a whole lot of BS, chances are youre getting screwed by someone with no business being in business. Furthermore if they get annoyed or angry with you for trying to educate yourself rather than just follow a checklist of orders, that should also be a red flag. Finally, and on a somewhat related note, too many coaches treat everyone the same. Get in touch with 1-2 other athletes that your coach is working with, ask them what their diet and cardio is looking like. If you are all on the EXACT same diet and cardio plan, again: you are getting taken advantage of.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 18:26:01 +0000

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