#Rant174 Nigerians as actors… A Nigerian woman gets into a - TopicsExpress


#Rant174 Nigerians as actors… A Nigerian woman gets into a relationship, she calculates how much she needs to get from her lover in the space of 18months, and the grand misdemeanor and lies that is to follow; calls that will never again be picked, exaggerated responses to small issues, just so she can get rid of him, piss him off and lead him packing his love bag to pave way for the next person with a shinier car... A Nigerian man dates a woman, he is already scheming, based on his online repertoire, on how to replace this chick with the next the minute it clocks midnight- five months after,,, The Nigerian employee is hired, trained, equipped with all necessary tools and knowledge to make his career an easy and exciting one by the employer…but s/he already has a plan- to resign or disappear the minute s/he gets back from a training program in South African sponsored by the present employer, to the next (rival) company... The Nigerian employer has a colourful script, one that ensures s/he uses your service, sucks you dry, steals all your hours, owes you salary for months... then takes a trip with his family (or one of the women he is sleeping with in the office) to an exotic Island the minute the cheque (from a client) you’ve all been praying and waiting for in the office comes through- monies that should have been used to offset salaries and debts... The Nigerian politician wins the Actor of the year award every year! He plans to steal, kill, devour, abuse, insult, ridicule, clean his shame with your last naira, fight, spit and leave you empty, prior to convincing you he is the next best thing after the promises of salvation... Nigerian parents give birth to more than they can provide for because their script states- the more kids, the merrier old age will be. They even have scripts for the exact gender they want and what they want the gender to become in life, it’s all scripted out. There are also scripts for imminent hazards- “what if one dies of malaria? There’ll be seven more left to console me”. Nigerian landlord... a leaking roof, bad toilet, faulty foundation… yet he has a wicked script behind that smile: pay your two-year rent; fix everything by yourself, and I’ll kick you out if you do not agree to the 50% increment thatll happen immediately your rent expires; they’ll be someone waiting to move in! The Nigerian pastor gets the silver plaque after his first cousin, the politician. He banks on your stupidity, screws your head with an 8-inch penis right through your ear (since you have refused to use it to listen to wisdom); wrecks you as life and purpose trickle out of you...until you become as blank as a cardboard paper with impressive zombie-like reasoning... Our intentions are bereft of soul and virtue Our knowledge of trickery is superior to any other in the world.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 18:59:50 +0000

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