Rationalising politics - part 1 Rational approach to politics - TopicsExpress


Rationalising politics - part 1 Rational approach to politics is important for small countries, especially when they are poor and not belonging to the west. Rational approach for such countries /Bulgaria here included/ means stopping being naive and servile to the bigger ones, especially to the superpowers. The problem of the superpowers is that they are almost completely irrational towards a small and helpless country. They believe that the small country exists just because they have allowed her to exist, for if they decide....This way of feeling things comes from the old and brutal days when the stronger annihilated the weaker. Now this is impossible, but has been transformed into requiring almost full submission and even expression of love feelings towards the superpower, as towards a bigger brother and benefactor. Just one example how irrational the relations between unequals can be : in the past, when we were in the Soviet sphere /I remember this time/ we were treated by Russia as a little brother who needs the protection of big and strong Russia. The explanation given: we are Slavs, the Russians said, and you are Slavs - Southern Slavs. So we are brothers, and you, as the little brother, owe us respect and love. And we will protect you. Not showing respect and love towards the Soviet Union was a heinous crime and one, if not thrown summoned to the police, was at least ostracised by the others. The irrationality of all this comes not only from the fact that we, as Bulgarians, do not owe any other nation any feelings, but is also emphasized by the absurdity of repeating day after day our Slavic descent. We may have some Slavic blood in our veins, but probably we have also Turkish blood, and Thracian blood, and why not Italian. Out of ten randomly chosen people here, 8-9 are generally with dark eyes and dark hair - features untypical for the Slavic race. And typical for a race which is broadly named Mediterranean. But the racial features here are unimportant. The important thing is what big brother says, and still more important is how the little one reacts. Naively accepting that we as people belong to the Slavic race led to more easily accepting the servile attitude and, as a result, to completely irrational politics by our political class.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 19:29:16 +0000

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