Re: Templars, freemasons, illuminati, mafia, church et - TopicsExpress


Re: Templars, freemasons, illuminati, mafia, church et caetera Sounds like a relevent group of people for my writing, so Im going to hope not to have this felt like a Hi-Jack. In fact, its probably supremely related. Behold my exhumation and excavation of the *Original Burning Bush *formerly of Exodus & Egypt, now of the Oracular Olam, Osiris nephew, *Earth Wader*. Row? Were on the Arcs bow. *Behold, the race is not to the swift, nor the tortoise, nor Mercury himself... nor the battle to the strong nor the gods of false love or secret wars... but when the game pauses--and the people look--social evolution and Humanity will save them all. * *-The Courier of Light *sans* his choir of Singing Angels.. *to be.. if*I*... font face=courier, Adam Marshall Dobrin , follow me, *on twitter, twitter/adjkjc * *font style=strong**,**from the Machine... * *font face=italics, UnsungReal.. The Ministry of Forbidden Knowledge * Seek, and ye shall find; for whatever it is you search for, whether it be to blame, to credit, or to simply no longer hurt... you will find within. It will be your credit, your blame; as it is the future of all of us that is on the line. We, together today, are approaching a line in the sand.. it is--depending on perspective--either M or N years from the fateful day of September 11, 2001. The language of liers to be shone in bright light on this day, that it is the Langoliers of a King that I fear, and the metaphorical destruction of much needed knowledge and truth that comes from a proverbial sweeping of the truth under a rug, and burying our heads in the sand.. as the Father of all demands we do jumping jacks. Take heed, our very necks are on the line.. and it is the *path less taken, the divergent Y in the wood, *that must be if we are to move up above, and beyond the darkness that could have been. I invite your comments, as to the cause, the reason, and the effect (both in *you*, and macro-cosmically) for the small glimmer of light which I share with you today. Nearly one year ago today, several passages of the Bible--which quite literally Chapter and Verse prove something to me that is nearly unfathomable in our history. Prima facie evidence that prophesy, or time travel, are not the stuff of fiction, never again to be hidden behind lunacy or reaching for straw, but rather to be the beginning of the *Great Light.* (APPLAUSE) After the Declaration of Independence was signed, Virginia statesman John Page wrote to Thomas Jefferson: *We know the race is not to the swift nor the battle to the strong. Do you not think an angel rides in the whirlwind and directs this storm?* Much time has passed since J*fe*fer*son* arrived for his inauguration. The years and changes accumulate. But the themes of this day he would know: our nations grand story of courage and its simple dream of dignity. We are not this storys author, who fills time and eternity with his purpose. Yet his purpose is achieved in our duty, and our duty is fulfilled in service to one another. President George W. Bush , during his first inaugural address , *1/20/2001* Chapter and verse, the John Page quote links two now ... hidden(?) Biblical passages... together, they point very specifically to the most ominous and arguably simultaneously horrendous and world changing date in the history of America... and perhaps all of creation. Ecclesiastes 9:11King James Version (KJV) 11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Revelation 20:1-3New International Version (NIV) 20 And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. 2 He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. 3 He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nationsanymore until the thousand years were ended. After that, he must be set free for a short time. *B e h o l d*, Ecclesiastes 9:11 and Revelation 20:1,* 9/11/2001* *Outstanding Performance, Oh Saint Jacob, in the City Eponymous to sea the light of Adam.* *Alas, Bethelperios. Any State, Our Nation, Chapter E* On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 8:23 AM, Philip Ledernier wrote: > I believe many of us dont have the slightest idea about the ties linking > these organisations. We just read papers writing about freemason, church, > mafia and intelligence organisations... > > > > Here are a couple of historical facts and suspicions showing the ties > between these organisations. > > > > * Benedictines --> They used masons to build religious monument and gave > them privileges to do so from the 6th century > > > > * Chivalry --> the Church officially asked Chivalry to protect the masons > (around year 900) > > > > * Judaism in Gallia Narbonensis (Narbonne, France) created Kabala (XII > century) > > > > * Chivalry + Kabala + religious orders --> Templars send to Jerusalem (XII > century). It is hypothesized that south of France cabbalists pulled the > string to send troops to Jerusalem to dig under the site of the Temple and > find the holly treasure. > > > > * After they came back from the middle east, Templars became major > builders. To do so they extended the system put in place by Benedictines to > protect masons and offer them privileges (to move around and be freed from > some duties and taxes). From this came the name “free masons” > (francs–maçons, but also “francs-bourgeois” etc) > > > > They supposedly disappeared during the XIV century after being prosecuted > by the Pope and the Kings of France and England. Some of them are supposed > to have moved to Scotland and helped them fight against England. Some of > them may have moved to America near the Memphremagog lake. It seems Skulls > and Bones have an initiation centred toward Memphremagog theme, Magog > being a secret word to them. This would be the origin of (white) > civilisation in America. > > > > Some of them probably maintained in Spain (kings of Majorca opponent to > the king of France) > > > > They may be at the origins of Rocicrucians in Germany. – And Rosicrucians > are always considered as major contributors to modern “speculative” > freemasonry. > > > > * From Spain was created the mafia system of powerful Families, the first > being the Borgias. They came from a templar place named Borja. Then they > took power in Avignon then in Rome. Also from Spain came I. De Loyola. > (XV-XVI centuries) > > > > * Templars --> Jesuits. Jesuists were secretly created in Paris, the > original headquarters of the Templars. I suppose that I de Loyola created > it in Paris before official recognition by the Pope, because he came to be > granted a patent from the Templars. This is my guest based on the usual > practice of masons who always build a lodge only after receiving a patent > and many times in history these were granted from Paris lodges. XVI century > > > > * Jesuits are a military order. The way they dress all in black shows a > close relation to the mafia. Mafiosi are sometimes called black friars. > Jesuits origins in Paris and their role as soldier monks makes a close > relation to the Templars. So I would say Templars-Jesuits-Mafia are the > military elite protecting the masons and constituting the high grades or > Unknown Superiors. It clearly explains nowadays connection between > american secret services, templars (NATO commanders) and the Mafia. CIA > exhibits a slogan after St John and the Templars were also called Order of > St John Of Jerusalem > > > > * Jesuits --> Illuminati. It seems Illuminati were created to replace > Jesuits at a time most kingdoms were forbidding them, because they had > discovered how Jesuits were pulling the strings. I suppose also that > Illuminatis were created because of a breakthrough in magic, more precisely > they already knew some methods of reading the mind. This was clearly > exposed during freemasons Wilhemsbad congress in 1784, as incredible as it > seems! > > > > * Freemasons created USA, while building Scottish Rites Chapters > (particularly through one man named Stephen Morin) in the Caribbean’s, > then in New Orleans, Charlotte and then in Washington. As we see freemasons > are directed by Templars / Jesuits high grades and so these do govern > America even today. > > > > * Illuminati --> Skulls and Bones. Skulls and Bones took the Illuminati > Slogan (in german language) Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or > king? Whether poor or rich, alls the same in death. Skulls and Bones > seems equivalent to freemasonry for Yale students. It is a first level > initiation lodge to those who will become masters of USA, like the Bush > family (mafia multigenerational style of power). It seems they have an > initiation centred toward “memphremagog” theme. This would prove that they > wish to be historically connected to the templars immigrated in America. > > > > * Mafiosi-Jesuits-Templars: Mafiosi where always a kind of militia ruled > by families They probably inherit from those Templars that fled to the > South of Europe. They flourished in Spain, then came back to France and > Spread to Italy. The spreading of the mafia from Catalonia (Spain) to > Sicily is historical fact. Also In noticed that when the lodge PII (mafia > secret lodge Propaganda Due) affair was exposed during the 1980’s > journalists illustrated their papers with a picture of the Italian premier > posing as a Grand Master of the Grand Orient of Italy. This would clearly > show that Italian Grand-Orient freemasons are governed by the Italian > Templars = Mafiosi. > > > > > > Sincerely, >
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 17:00:43 +0000

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