Read On.. Chapter Thirteen THE DREAM OF A KWANYAMA - TopicsExpress


Read On.. Chapter Thirteen THE DREAM OF A KWANYAMA GIRL __________________________________________________________________________________ FROM THE SANDY BUSHY VILLAGE OF EKOKA TO THE BRIGHT LIGHTS OF WINDHOEK ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER THIRTEEN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ That Friday evening when my aunt got home she found me lying in bed, with my eyes swollen as hell. I have never cried or mourned someones death so hard before, not even when my grandmother passed away five years ago. I couldnt even remember if I cried when my father passed away, for I was so young back then. When my aunt asked me what was wrong I didnt lie or make up any lame excuse, I told her I was mourning a friend who passed away. She gave me tissues and told me that life can be very tough at times, You have to be strong its the only way to get through this, after all you can do nothing about it now but stay strong, she said. Olye a xulifa wa?, she asked, I replied Its Maria, my friend, Ndahambelelas friend. I really didnt know whether it was indeed Maria who was shot but I had a very terrible feeling and my guts told me she was gone, what was strange is that my cousin and Angies phones were off, had they also been caught in between the raid or what? I asked myself. Only if my aunt knew what we got ourselves into, only if we could have avoided all these things, we predicted that something could go wrong and that it was a risk that Maria was taking, even when she decided to go on with it we didnt force her to back out. Only if I never took Antonios money, because of that all of this is happening now, it was that dirty money I took that got me in trouble and triggered these turn of events, I went into the bathroom to wash my face and as I stared at the girl in the mirror I saw a girl whose life was dwindled with mishaps, twists and turns and loosing focus of my dream, how can an innocent girl like me have a troubled life? And why are people around me dying, I didnt care about Cota Antonio dying because he tried to rape me but his death made me question myself. I wiped all night, I was yet subjected to another sleepless night, I was determined to hold onto the dream that led me to the city but the reality in the city was becoming too much to handle. There were two days left before school starts and I wanted to be ready for school but I saw a difficult start as my life again turned into blurred lines as it displayed a disturbed vision of the future. I was willing to make changes If I had to. I know that I have not known Maria for that long but for some reason I felt like I had known her for a very long time, she was close to me and I remember some very good moments I had with her, I just couldnt believe the fact that she was gone forever. You know when they say The good die young, Maria was thee one among the Divas who who had a humane and very caring heart, despite her crazy lifestyle, she didnt aspire to become a nurse for nothing, she wanted to save lives, she was all about living her life and helping others and I remember her once telling me that sometimes you just have to live your life the way you want to and not care what anybody else says because when its time to die you will die alone. How we get to say good things about people when they die, oshili I Just wish ngeno I could have told her just how much she taught me the value of life, I thought. This made me reflect on my present circumstances very hard, my life is worth a lot more than the crazy lifestyle of the city. On Saturday morning after a whole night of shedding tears, I received a call from Blackberry and the sound of her voice was very sad, she herself could not stop crying and she tried to explain what happened but I told her I heard it on the news. I could not bare mourning alone so I set off to Angies house to go be with my friends for I knew this was a time we needed each other so much, Angie was the one that was most heart broken. We sat in Angies room, Blackberry and Angie took out some of Marias pictures from their album and scattered them on the bed, all the pictures were of their happy moments they shared together. Angie and Blackberry looked like they did not sleep all night and neither did I but yah how could they when they have lost a very close friend, She was so young and beautiful, full of life and she had her whole future ahead of her, said Angie. I shouldnt have let her go, she said as she sobbed. Blackberry then told me what transpired as they waited for Maria, When we waited for her in the car we heard a gunshot, it was when the police arrived at the scene, she said. We all had a feeling that something bad happened but there was nothing we could do, it was only later when the ambulance came then we saw them loading a body in a body bag in a police car, I knew it was her, said my cousin, at this moment we all could not contain our tears. We were to go pay our respects at Marias sisters house in Wanaheda, so later on in the day Angies mom drove us there, Marias sister was the only family that Maria had in Windhoek and before we got there Blackberry told me how her sister chased her out of the house a year ago. At the time of Marias untimely death the siblings were not on good terms, Blackberry remembers how Marias sister once came to their flat in Khomasdal with Marias bags and her clothes hanging out, telling her not to come back home because she always went out and stayed out all weekend and her apparent words were that Maria okwiininga oshikumbu shomo Venduka. After that Maria started dating rich guys and one could well assume that she did it for survival, she moved in with Blackberry and unfortunately she ended up dating Roberto, the one man who now took her precious life away. When we got to Marias sisters house in Wanaheda, we found her seated in the sitting room with her friends and her three kids, she was very heartbroken and she was holding some of Marias baby pictures, she then started crying and saying how she blames herself for the death of her younger sister, I could have avoided this, if I had not kicked her out of the house maybe she would have still been alive, she was young and was just being a teenager living her life, I was supposed to protect her from the evils of this world. Oka nghelo kameme, oh my god, how am I going to explain this to meme, Kalunga kange, she broke down in a rain of tears. Angies mom then sat down next to her and held her tightly. A lot of things began to make sense, Angies mom is actually Marias sisters friend, when Angies mom was poor before she married Papa Blanco she used to live in the same street here in Wanaheda, she was so consoling towards Marias sister, I understand now that it is the very reason why Angie and Maria were so close. Angies mom kindly tried to calm down her old friend and she offered to help her with funeral arrangements, Selma Im so sorry for your loss, I know that things were not good between the two of you but you dont have to feel sorry for yourself because her death was a shock and a loss to all of us, she was also like my daughter and she was Angies sister. Moshiwambo ohakutiwa uunona wawumwe uunona waaveshe, we all feel very disappointed, said Angies mom, I understand why Angies mom was so nice to us, its because she had her humble beginnings and she surely cares about the people close to her. Angies mom told Marias sister that she will hire transport to take the coffin to the north where Maria was going to be buried and help with funeral arrangements, as the saying goes, a friend in need is a friend indeed. After giving our condolences for the loss of our friend we headed to Marias old room, for an hour we sat there and reminisced on some of the good memories we shared, my memories with her were few but theirs were a handful and this made me feel like I knew Maria long enough, we celebrated her life that was so full of promise and joy, I will always remember her beautiful face. The Divas were true sisters, their hardships is what brought them so close together and they looked out for each other. Whenever one of the girls was in trouble they always helped each other, the girls kept secrets between them and they vowed to keep them until death, that was kind of dangerous especially since some of those secrets were very serious but it is for that reason that they bonded so strongly because they knew they could trust each other, you will barely find that these days because nowadays girls would even fight over a guy and break up their friendship, but for the Divas friendship meant more to them than anything else. Maria most definitely lived up to the vow she made about keeping the secret of Cota Antonios death, it is unfortunate how her side of the truth died with her, but even though she died she managed to bring Roberto down with her. All this drama that has been going on has exposed me to a lot of secrets, it has exposed me to the life of dangers and social evils we always read about in the newspapers back at home, it has exposed me to the life of the party in Windhoek, it has exposed me to men who did not like me for me but for how I walked, talked and looked. But the drama also taught me a valuable lesson, LOYALTY. The Divas were so loyal to each other that they did not take their sisterhood for granted, I pledged my loyalty, it is not the life that I dreamed about, but I was now part of this life, I didnt choose this life but it chose me. I wanted to stay humble to myself and forget about the life of the party, the money and secrets but after this turn of events I couldnt abandon my cousin and Angie. Its either you adopt or you perish, I chose to adopt, after all, Life Goes On. The End.. Watch out for part fourteen as THE DREAM OF A KWANYAMA GIRL continues...
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 18:17:09 +0000

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