Read, educate and Read Read, many Americans are completely - TopicsExpress


Read, educate and Read Read, many Americans are completely ignorant about what exactly is in our US Constitution, this is where this government seizes its power and abuses its authority. The federals first and foremost duty is to protect our RIGHTS, this is what the states agreed to in forming the Federal it is called The Bill of Rights based on Natural Law given to humans by their Creator. The Federal cannot infringe or create laws to take these RIGHTS away however they have been eroding and assaulting them for over a century. The TEA Party has become our last line of defense in protecting these God given Rights, helping slow down a runaway emperor and is behind the COS Convention of States, which is the last action Article V protection against tyranny and an out of control government. Now Who do you think would attack the credibility of the TEA Party? This establishment / power hungry / greed bearing/ debt ridden/ tax burdening government and other anti-constitutional ideologies (socialists, islamists, anarchists) forms of oppression that is who! Educate yourself, this is real. Learn and for Heavens sake Turn off that darn TV! that is the sheep dog of the American sheeple
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 07:23:13 +0000

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