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Read it very carefully. Understand it. Share it. - And finally, Remember it. 1. Sugar and Jaggery was invented in India. Before the introduction of Sugar from India, Honey was the only sweetener known to the western world. The army of Alexander sent home some Sugar from India. Prior to that Herodotus had written about Sugar from India. 2. The army of Alexander imported another important aspect of Indian Culture. Lip Kissing had its origin in India, and Alexanders men saw it here and spread it in the west. 3. Mathematics was invented in India. The ancient Indians invented the place value system which in turn also caused them to invent zero to denote places without any value. As Einstein said, We should be thankful to Indians who taught us how to count without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been possible. It is this great invention to do maths easily which has made possible almost all of modern science and technology. Computers run on the place value system using 0 and 1. Have you ever tried to do a simple multiplication using the Roman numeral system? How can you do complex mathematics using it? Indian decimal system was spread to Europe by the Arab merchants who learnt it from India and spread it in Europe. Hence the name Hindu-Arabic numerals to them. Also, did you know that initially thus number system of India was banned in Europe, because European businessmen realized that they couldnt charge more interest if Indian system was used for calculation as it gave accurate figures. 4. Europe was wearing clothes made of animal fir and skin till they started importing cotton and cotton garments from India. Indian textiles were literally clothing the entire world till the British colonized India. 5. India was the only source of diamonds to the entire world till a few centuries back. 6. Europe was heavily dependent on imports from India. Remember it was Europeans who were desperate to discover a sea route to continuing trade with India when the Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople and blocked the land route between Indian and Europe. 7. India was already doing trade over seas with countries in far east and Africa even before Vasco Da Gama discovered a sea route to India. The Ships of Vasco Da Gama himself were escorted from Africa to India by a Gujarati merchant ship from India, which had come on a trade visit to Africa. Vasco Da Gama was only the first European to discover a sea route from Europe to India. 8. Columbus who discovered America had actually set out to discover a sea route to India. America was an accidental discovery, thanks to the attempts to find a sea route to India from Europe. Columbus mistook America for India, and called the natives Americans as Indians. Hence even today the natives of America are referred to as Indians. 9. In the past 2000 years, India and China were the largest economies in the world for the first 1700 years. So the rise of India and China today is not an exception, but a rule, for they ruled most of the past 2000 years of world economy, and only the past 2-3 centuries were an exception. 10. Almost every single non-african human on this planet can trace his roots back to India. Genetic study reveals that humans who evolved in Africa later migrated to India and from there spread to the rest of the planet. 11. Three of the five major world religions were born in India - Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism. 12. Navigation was invented in India. Indian merchant ships moved across continents from Africa to Far east even before the times of Christ. The very word Navigation has its root in the sanskrit word Navgath which means the same. 13. The Loot of Bengals wealth in the Battle of Plassey 1757 was used by the British to fund their Industrial Revolution in England. Of course, everything didnt come from India. But most things did. Denying them doesnt change the truth. Satyameva Jayate
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 09:25:58 +0000

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