Reading for 6/20/13 Deck: Archangel Michael Oracle Cards Card: - TopicsExpress


Reading for 6/20/13 Deck: Archangel Michael Oracle Cards Card: Your Inner Guidance Is Real and Trustworthy Sometimes when you are trying to listen to your angels, you aren’t too sure you are hearing them correctly. You want to trust that inner guide, that inner voice but you are uncertain what it is trying to tell you, or you are confused by what might seem like mixed messages. Michael wants each one of you to know that you are hearing him accurately through not only your thoughts, but your ideas and even your feelings. If you tend to feel your intuition as opposed to hearing it, then that is how he is speaking to you. If you tend to see your intuition then that is how he is speaking through you. If you have been hesitating moving forward because you haven’t felt secure in the decision, you are being given the green light to go ahead and make those changes. There are some key things to think about. Your new idea may be the answer you were seeking to the prayer you have been praying. Any feelings you have been receiving are valid. If you have not be trusting a person or situation lately, pay close attention to those feelings specifically. The prayer offered with this card is as follows. Please help me clearly hear, see, feel and know the Divine guidance that I have asked and prayed for. Allow me to keep my ego out of the way so your wisdom can come streaming through me, for my own benefit and for those around me.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Jun 2013 02:03:04 +0000

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