Reading for Summer Solstice Weekend – Paradigm Shift Phase - TopicsExpress


Reading for Summer Solstice Weekend – Paradigm Shift Phase 2 Deck: Medieval Scampini Tarot Note: This one is not all light and fluffy…. It was done from a more matter of fact point of view. IN THE BEGINNING CARD: QUEEN OF CUPS At first, the Universe will appear to us as a loving and tenderhearted mother. For those of us on the path to enlightenment, this is very true. But even mothers have a harsher side to them, and we must prepare ourselves for the discipline that we might receive along this journey. As we move through the first few months of this shift, we will feel our intuitive side yell louder and stronger. For those of us who are heavily psychic, frequent headaches may accompany this shift. Simple grounding should help relieve those feelings and allow you to be more receptive of the new energy. For those of us who are deeply in tune with the spirit world, we will find that our chatterbox of voices chattering even louder. For some of us, we will gain more voices to our choir. All of this has the potential to be deeply disturbing and disrupting. So remembering to meditate and taking time to ground out will be of the utmost importance during this time. CARD: THE SUN With the increased levels of enlightenment that will be sent to those of us in tune with the universe, come greater levels of self-responsibility. We are being asked to rise to greatness in a manner of speaking. We are being asked to rise above those who would play petty games of politics. We are being asked to rise above those who feign to be enlightened and purposely hurt those of us who are truly making an effort. In fact, we are being asked to walk away from those hurtful relationships and just let it go. For some of this, this will be genuinely hard as we vested a lot of time and effort with love and care trying to reach those who have hurt us greatly. This is the only way to move forward. These people are not lost to us forever, but they will be lost to us for several months if not years. Time does heal all wounds, and sometimes the healing is a viscous and rough road. However, we cannot change that for those who have willingly chosen it. What we can do is be ready for when they do come to us ready for redemption of their wrongs that they have done to us. We cannot force that upon them. Time will dictate that to us. We will be given vitality and the assurance that our lives will be fruitful and beneficial to all of those surrounding us. We are being given a most wonderful light to work with. To those who are purposefully wronging others: For those of you, who think you are doing justice by keeping others from their inner healing because you refuse to accept your responsibility in your former relationships, be told this now. Your world will collapse upon itself. Your world will come to ruin by the time this plays out. You will find that whatever relationships you are in now with friends, family, spouses and children, will all come crashing to a very destructive outcome and you will be more alone than ever. IF you heed this warning and stop playing the blaming game, stop being the passive aggressive bully who is forever a victim, you might be able to avert this disaster. Mark my words, you will be judged in a higher court, not of this earth, and you will feel its judgment on all levels. CARD: JUDGMENT Speaking of judgment, the Universe is preparing to judge all of us on some level during this time. This is a time for rebirth so we will be asked to stand before the Universe and atone for our sins to it and our fellow beings. Some of you have been doing this. Others of you have not and this will be a painful process. In fact it may make a few of you physically sick as you rid yourself of the poison you so willingly swallowed. Each one of us whom are linked to the path of enlightenment will be asked to answer our inner calling. This may not appear as a possibility at the onset, but as we work towards that calling, our ego will remove itself from the picture and allow our inner soul, our intuitive soul to gradually take charge. We will be given absolution of our misdeeds as long as we obey what the Universe has in store for us. This means letting go of things like conspiracy theories that everyone is out to get everyone else. This means understanding that the Universe and the World beats to their own heartbeats and that we are merely visitors on their plane. We cannot control another living and breathing organism unless it gives us control. CARD: THE CHARIOT There will be small personal victories throughout this process. You will be gaining and unlocking various levels of achievement. Some of these are going to be seemingly unending and very trying. Do not fret. Everything you will learn during these trials is to make you a more whole, better, healed human. Have issues with OCD? You will learn how to manage that to your betterment, not detriment. Shy? You will learn how to use that to your advantage. Feel unable to connect to others? That will also be resolved. You will be given a will of iron. You will be given the ability to be self-assertive. You will be given HARD CONTROL of your life. This will only be your life and not the lives of those around you, simply your life. CARD: SIX OF CUPS The Universe for those of us on the right path will continually try to bring us those who have good will towards us. We will almost regain a form of innocence during this time as our inner souls are being splayed open in order to receive this new energy. Negative people will bother us even more than before. Grounding is of the utmost importance and shielding ourselves from these energies even more so. If you know not how to do either, find someone you trust who does. You will need these tools in order to keep you from fighting a constant battle. CARD: EIGHT OF SWORDS For those who have been treating the Universe with ill regard and or others for that matter are going to find themselves in a very bad energy cycle. They will be riddled with confusion and a feeling of powerlessness. If they try to ignore these feelings and do not confront their wrong doings head on, they will find themselves restricted more and more to the endless cycle and downward spiral until they have ruined themselves. This will be spiritually, karmic wise, financially, relationship wise, and more. We cannot save them. We cannot bring them out of this spiral. They must acknowledge their wrong doing and do it on their own. Do not let your personal guilt drag you down with them. You are being absolved of that guilt as you work on your enlightenment. CARD: EIGHT OF CUPS It is during the end of this first half of the shift that we will begin looking at the deeper meaning of all that we have gone through in our lifetime. The young folk – 20 or younger – will not recognize most of this pattern as they are still youthful and full or wonder. For those 20 – 40, this will be a time of job changes and moving on to new career paths. For those 40 and older, we have garnered enough of a lifetime to truly be introspective. We will embark on new careers, solidifying our relationships with our significant others, traversing our paths to enlightenment and grow even deeper in all parts of our life. We will be moving on from the past. We are being asked to close that door and walk away. We are not being asked to lock it and throw away the key, but we can no longer afford to spend time trying to keep it open. For some of us, this will be utterly brutal. For others, it will be more simple. We will all feel weary of this shift, but we must remain strong and vigilant in our growth. CARD: NINE OF CUPS Now is the time to make your wishes known to the Universe. These wishes will be kept and put away to be followed through on at the end of the shift. It is hard for the Universe to grant the wishes of so many while it is teaching and evolving so many. While its energy is boundless, it still needs to focus on this great task. We will begin to feel a level of satisfaction in our progress towards the middle of the shift. The Autumn equinox should be right around the corner at this time. Things will start to level off for a large majority of us. For others, it may just be starting, especially for those who have ignored their lessons prior and during. Now is also the time to make a firm commitment to your significant other. This does not have to be marriage, but just a promise to remain in each other’s lives for the duration of your time on earth. What this looks like is between the two of you. If you want to be hand fasted as a commitment, with no legal bindings, then by so be it, do it. If you were together when this started, you will be together at the end and through the next 8 shifts. That’s right… there will be 8 shifts total. Some of us will live to see all 8, others won’t simply by nature being nature and it will have been our time to move on. AT THE END CARD: QUEEN OF COINS LOVE THE UNIVERSE WITH ALL YOUR HEART! The Universe is our biggest and best parental unit. It is both our mother and our father all rolled into one. It is filled with all the ascended masters that have moved to pure light and energy before us. They are here, present to us filling us with their enlightenment love and energy. For those who are ignoring them, they are hitting them with the stick of punishment. This will become more self-evident as the shift progresses towards the Winter Solstice. Now is definitely the time to be down-to-earth and less extravagant. This doesn’t mean don’t live and don’t enjoy yourself, just pace yourself and make sure you plan out carefully. Small steps to bigger ones will be more greatly rewarded and the struggling will be all but diminished. Be resourceful, be creative, make sure you are a trustworthy soul. CARD: FIVE OF CUPS You will be the unfortunate spectator to the following situations for those who are not behaving as they should. By the end of this shift, those who have been bad, sewn bad karma and are generally miserable people on the inside, regardless of what they show on the outside will suffer severe loss, bereavement and regret. They will not reach out to those of us they knew. They are too proud and too indignant to do so. Let them go. CARD: KING OF COINS For those of us with a business mind, we will know how exactly to be enterprising with the energy this is bringing to us. What will be interesting is those who were “supposedly” leaders of the enlightened community but not really honest and sincere will slowly drift out of the limelight. Their pseudo-enlightenment will no longer carry themselves forward and they will find themselves out of favor with the universe. For the rest of us, who are so inclined to do so, will find ourselves very adept at filling these gaps where it is needed as we will become the reliable, supportive and steady source of knowledge and enlightenment for others. CARD: FIVE OF COINS For those who are not so lucky, as in the above Five of Cups, they will fall on some hard times, possibly ill health, and rejection by those that they thought would never reject them. Now is not the time to try and save them because they will be incapable of seeing it that way. Down the road they will genuinely reach out to us and then, and only then, can we help them see the truth. CARD: THE EMPRESS Our nurturing side will begin to grow exponentially with our enlightenment growth. We will have an abundance of love to give. This will be seen by those ready to accept these changes within us. For others, it may be off putting. Our senses will be more alive than ever and we will hear natures call stronger than before. If you have never talked to a tree, you will be quite amused. CARD: THREE OF WANDS We are going to begin exploring the deeper meaning of all that is enlightenment. We will be examining the universe with a microscope, and electron microscope and a mangnascope. We will be given gifts of foresight and for those of us so inclined, gifts of leadership. CARD: SIX OF SWORDS At the culmination of this shift, some of you may experience deeply profound periods of the day where all seems blue. You will have experienced some losses during this time, and only until the end will you be allowed to truly experience the depth of those losses. This isn’t because the Universe wants to hide them from you, in fact, quite the opposite. The Universe wants you to be able to experience these losses with your new set of glasses where you can fully appreciate why these people or these things had to leave your life. Your recovery will be quick and almost imperceptible. Now is the time to start planning some travel to visit places on your bucket list. Make sure you have some of nature’s wonders listed as these will become places of great profoundness for you and those you share it with. CARD: KNIGHT OF WANDS We will be given a multitude of gifts. We will be given self-confidence. WE will be given the ability to be daring and adventurous and we will also be given the gift of being passionate. I don’t think I have to expound on any of those as they will mean different things to different people. CARD: NINE OF COINS At the final days of our shift, we will have learned what true discipline is. We will have been refined in the fires of the Universe, tested in the waters of the energy flow, grounded in the roots of the earth, and learned to fly on the wings of the enlightened Masters who have ascended before us. Our discipline and our steadfastness will have given us the tools to flow through these trainings and tests and we will have high marks of achievement. Namaste!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Jun 2013 19:37:07 +0000

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