Real Fulfillment Goes Beyond Natural Ability- “I am the - TopicsExpress


Real Fulfillment Goes Beyond Natural Ability- “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” John 15:5. Being fruitful, reaching the top in your career or fulfilling your destiny goes beyond mere exerting energy. It goes beyond talent or certificate. Life is not just about expending energy running around, but about making progress. You can spend incredible efforts inefficiently and gain nothing. Or you can spend modest efforts efficiently and be handsomely rewarded. That is life for you! I am not saying working hard or making efforts as much as you can is not good, but effort alone, not in concert with certain other proven factors achieves little or nothing. Other factors that play pivotal roles in success are; sense of direction, grace, supernatural insights, divine connection and prayers. Thus, everything still revolves round God (Ecclesiastes 9:11). Hence, Jesus’ emphasis in John 15:5 that only the branch that stays connected to the vine can be nourished in terms of divine direction, grace, insights and so on. Achenbach’s Pastries, a family-owned bakery, located in Lancaster country, Pennsylvania had a loyal customer base and had operated profitably for more than four decades. In the 1990s, the owners decided to expand their products and to add new locations for both retail and wholesale sales. The bakery owners had never worked harder in their lives than they did after the expansion. And in return, for all their hard work, they got less money and the threat of bankruptcy because they could not keep up with debts incurred in the unguided expansion. Eventually the company was sold to Earl Hess, a retired business executive. Having observed objectively, Hess found that the bakery was doomed by inefficiencies, one of which is loss of direction. They had too many products. Ninety nine percent of sales came from 10 percent of the products. They were loosing their aprons making low-volume items’. Hess says when he took over the company he knew; ‘these people could not possibly have worked any harder, but they could have worked smarter’. It is divine direction (focus) that channels your energy, talent or skill to where it will be productive. So, connect to the ultimate source (God) where grace, supernatural insights and direction are available. It is well with you. ONE LOVE!!!
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 07:15:14 +0000

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