Real Live Whores of America by ZaZa Ali I wrestled with - TopicsExpress


Real Live Whores of America by ZaZa Ali I wrestled with addressing this. Not bcz the blatant disrespect of Black People - Our Culture & History, Our Men & Our Sojourn - does not warrant my time. No, in the end that is the only reason that Ive allowed myself to bend down into the pool of slop which is the Kardashians - Not stepping into the mud - Just standing near enough to the scene to be heard. It is the intended targets of my logic and reasoning that I am concerned about. In an error where being dense & upping the anti on dumb seems to be the currency of the day, somehow addressing the Queens of said anomaly almost seems fruitless. Like trying to reason with Betty Boop about reading a book, or Marilyn Monroe about the plight of third world countries. More than likely, it is a waste of time. However, 2014 seems to have become the year of attacking the image of Blacks in America - by Black, white, & anyone in between. Every other day, a new quote is being released from the mouth of some careless fool - as if the tremendous suffering that weve endured has not been enough. Opposed to sitting back & pretending like millions of unintelligible space cadets dont follow these morons, I prefer to make my position & the position of Black Women known. You can tell a lot about a Man by the Woman hes with. For the numerous Black Men that have actually been IN this strange world of fiction, fame, & facade - I.E. The KKK referenced in the photo - Trying to escape the whorish reputation of these reality starlets, while simultaneously maintaining their dignity must be a helluva juggling act. Weve seen Kanye go from being outspoken about the oppression of Hurricane Katrina victims & making potent songs like crack music... To throwing a temper tantrum about racist fashion designers & not receiving trinkets from his overseers. This is what happens when you dance with the devil and start believing the lie, you loose your soul. You loose touch with reality. Donda West was reality. She was real & authentic, she was his back bone. The Black Woman - We are the Back Bone. Our roll is to guide our Men towards their higher Selves, not steer them toward destruction & crying about unbroken glass ceilings. No Brother, Build Your Own Damn Ceiling. But in a world where the white mans ice is clearly colder, and his woman is now open for business, for all seasons - Some of our Brothers have lost their damn minds. They are neutralizing their wealth by marrying into families who have no concept of their struggle & no empathy for what it means to be a Black Man in America. Hence the twitter post from Public Idiot # 2 Khloe Kardashian. Referencing the enigmatic, historical Ku Klux Klan, who lynched Black Men & saved their testicles for souvenirs. This is how Brothers like MJ & Tiger Woods, who could become Global Powerhouses by taking ownership of their brands & making Communal Business Plans - Merely become one man islands. When they pass on the white man will continue to keep his ice cold, on the backs of his slaves. Fake breasts, Fake a$$es, Collagen Injections, Tanning Salons, Token Black Friends & reverence for Black Pop Culture does not make you acceptable to the Masses of Black People. We do not respect you bcz you have $ or cameras stuck in your face - Being stupid in America pays big bucks. It doesnt get you a pass either when you open your fat mouth in disrespect - whether youre laying next to a Black Man or not. More telling than the actual twitter post itself, is the continual silence of so-called Black Icons who claim power but know when to speak & when to shut-up. If you wont check a bimbo in a body cast with a low budget reality show, just imagine how youll cower down when the label executives or NBA owners spit in your face, I.E. Donald Sterling. Iggy Azalea, Gwenneth Paltrow & all of their ni99az deserve honorable mention as well. The worst of this reality tv bullshhhh is yet to be realized, and it will certainly fall on the shoulders of little Kanye West. We are praying for the little Princess, that her Father will come to his senses and bless and protect her with the Love, Guidance, & Nurturing that can only come from a Woman made in her Fathers image. There is a terrible lesson for a Black Child to learn, when surrounded by Women who only use Black Men as accessories - opposed to revering them for the Kings that they most certainly are. Black Women... Take back your dignity. Period. Peace.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:31:02 +0000

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