Real Servants Think About Their Own Responsibilities, Not What - TopicsExpress


Real Servants Think About Their Own Responsibilities, Not What Other Servants are Doing They dont compare, criticize, or compete with other servants or ministries. Theyre too busy doing the work God has given them. Competition between Gods servants is illogical for many reasons: were all on the same team, our goal is to make God look good, not ourselves, weve been given different assignments, and were all uniquely shaped. Paul said, We will not compare ourselves with each other as if one of us were better and another worse. We have far more interesting things to do with our lives. Each of us is an original. Theres no place for petty jealousy between servants. When youre busy serving, you dont have time to be critical. Any time spent criticizing others is time that could have been spent ministering. When Martha complained to Jesus that Mary was not helping with the work, she lost her servants heart. Real servants dont complain of unfairness, dont have pity-parties, and dont resent those not serving. They just trust God and keep serving. Its not our job to evaluate the Masters other servants. The Bible says, Who are you to criticize someone elses servant? The Lord will determine whether his servant has been successful. Its also not our job to defend ourselves against criticism. Let your Master handle it. Follow the example of Moses who showed true humility in the face of opposition, as did Nehemiah, whose response to critics was simply, My work is too important to stop now and visit with you. If you serve like Jesus, you can expect to be criticized. The world, and even much of the church, does not understand what God values. The disciples criticized one of the most beautiful acts of love shown to Jesus. Mary took the most valuable thing she owned, expensive perfume, and poured it over Jesus. Her lavish service was called a waste by the disciples, but Jesus called it significant, and thats all that mattered. You service for Christ is never wasted, regardless of what others say.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 00:10:07 +0000

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