Really enjoying my homework reading assignment. Titus 3:14 And let - TopicsExpress


Really enjoying my homework reading assignment. Titus 3:14 And let our own learn to apply themselves to good deeds so that they be able to meet necessary demands whenever the occasion may require and not be living idle and UNcultivated and UNfruitful lives. There it is. My Apostle Lionel Brown Jr. has been teaching on When a spirit sneaks in. Spirit can only come in through a weak person or people. You would think the integrity of a person begins at the church & is demonstrated in their daily living, that not always the case. It is unfortunate that their bad credit/ integrity from the world comes in with them. Their level of integrity effects the church in every area.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Aug 2013 00:44:21 +0000

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