Recent blog posts on environmental science: Inhibitory analysis of - TopicsExpress


Recent blog posts on environmental science: Inhibitory analysis of top-down control: new keys to studying eutrophication algal blooms #water #self-purification: 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/aquatic-ecology-inhibitory-analysis-of.html ** Citation of the series of articles on environment, #ecology, #biology in: #Europe, #America, #Asia, Australia, Africa: 5bio5.blogspot/2013/01/all-continents-except-south-pole-cited.html ** Статья и ее цитирование. СОХРАНЕНИЕ БИОРАЗНООБРАЗИЯ И КАЧЕСТВО ВОДЫ. РОЛЬ ОБРАТНЫХ СВЯЗЕЙ В ЭКОСИСТЕМАХ 5bio5.blogspot/2013/01/blog-post_130.html ** Суть инновации: Сохранение биоразнообразия и качество воды: роль обратных связей в экосистемах // ДАН. 2002. т. 382. № 1. с. 138-141. 5bio5.blogspot/2013/02/blog-post_2318.html ** Цитирование публикаций МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова в области экологии, водной экотоксикологии, гидробиологии и смежных областях, в публикациях на русском языке и других языках, примеры: 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/blog-post_8240.html ** Innovative papers to change #policy on #water_resources, #environmental_policy. 22 institutions, top universities, 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/innovative-papers-to-change-policy-on.html ** Publications indexed: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, ecology, Aquatic science, life sciences. Authored, co-authored: Moscow University (Fulbright Award); with DOI, and sites of the full texts free. Tags: ecotoxicology, water, quality, self-purification, testing, bioassay, pollution 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/publications-indexed-web-of-science.html ** Change in water management policy, environmental policy. 22 institutions, top universities of Belgium, Netherlands, Sweden, France, Germany: change needed. The scientific arguments for the change: a series of publications including: Polyfunctional role of biodiversity in water purification; Top universities, institutions involved: Uppsala, Ghent, Universite catholique de Louvain, K U Leuven, Universite libre de Bruxelles, University of Antwerp, Maastricht University, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, and others. #policy #water management #environmental. institutions #Belgium Netherlands, Sweden, #France #Germany #change needed: 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/change-in-water-management-policy.html ** Key words, translation #German, #French, #Italian #Spanish #Dutch #Swedish #Chinese: #ecology #environmental_science 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/key-words-with-translation-ecology.html ** 1 274 views. 10.6.2013. Environmental science. Most_viewed. 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/1-274-views-1062013environmental.html ** FAO of U.N. AGRIS. Citation of publications of Moscow University. Cited, indexed at AGRIS; available in the U.S.A. in National Agricultural Library (NAL) at the end of this blog post see: NOTE ON MERIT: DIPLOMAS, EVALUATIONS 5bio5.blogspot/2012/10/cited-indexed-at-agris-agrisfaoorg.html ** In Russian language, most important blog posts. Науки об охране окружающей среды. Environmental Science. Independent evaluation of these scientific results, opinion on the publications, Diplomas. Оценка результатов работ, отзывы, дипломы. 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/in-russian-language-most-important-blog.html ** Key words, with translation: ecology, environmental science, ecotoxicology, aquatic ecosystems, water quality, water self-purification; Relevant blog posts with scientific information. 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/key-words-with-translation-ecology.html ** 1564 views.9.6.2013. Environmental Science, most viewed. availability, Britain, citation, ecology, ecotoxicology, England, LIBRARIES, Spain, Thailand, U.K., UK, USA, water safety 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/1564-views962013-environmental-science.html ** Водный макрофит Ceratophyllum demersum иммобилизует Au после добавления в воду наночастиц 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/ceratophyllum-demersum-au.html ** Top important posts, environmental science. Concise summary of recent blog posts. Sections of this blog post: Importance of these publications; Evidence of merit: citation; availability in libraries worldwide; 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/top-important-posts-environmental.html ** Top important, #environmental #science. sum of recent blog posts. #Importance ; #citation; #availability: 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/top-important-posts-environmental.html ** The short list of the relevant articles, the series, see here: A series of publications, selected bibliography: #life_science, #ecology, #environmental_science: Articles. 5bio5.blogspot/2013/06/the-short-list-of-articles-of-this.html
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 13:12:36 +0000

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