Recently ive been meditating upon the prevalent effect of language - TopicsExpress


Recently ive been meditating upon the prevalent effect of language on the human consciousness and how it has been used scrupulously by those who are in power to deliberately synchronise the collective mode of thinking of the masses into suggestibility in other words how they use words or language through the advertising medium to hypnotise the masses. The crux of the matter is, this 3 dimensional universe that we have occupied is composed of sounds and language vibrating at specific resonant frequencies that can be scientifically measured and altered. Have you ever heard of the word ABRACADABRA? used mostly by magicians when they peform, well its actually a hebrew phrase meaning I CREATE WHAT I SPEAK. Even the bible if you read John 1v1 where it says, IN THE BEGINNING WAS THE WORD. In the 1960s Dr Jenny noticed that when vowels of ancient sacred languages such as sankrit, egyptian, hebrew and tibetan were pronounced the vibration took the shape of the written symbols of these vowels while our modern languages failed to generate the same results. This suggests that by sounding sacred texts and singing sacred vowels in these ancient language its possible to transform physical reality by influencing our cellular structure to resonant into a more coherent shape, no wonder mos i have developed a passion in the hebrew language and hieroglyphics, now i want to learn sankrit, the something divine about these language, everytime i read them my level consciousness elevates, like an excited electron. Another experiment was conducted by Dr Emoto where he observed the physical effect of words, prayers and music on the crystalline structure of water. He observed that the structure of the crystals of water before prayer were random and unstructured but after prayer they were crystallised in a coherent shape. Conclusively positive words such as i love you, i appreciate thank you are far more symmetrical and aesthetically to water how much more then to humans? Moreover negative words such as hate, jacob zuma, you make me sick and i will kill you, decrystallises water into a formless, how much more then if they are commanded to the other person? All in all your voice commands your body, mind and spirit, think before you speak, and always embody positive thoughts that are not detrimental to your wellbeing and your surroundings. The Magyar( Mag- great, yar- people) i.e all peoples language before they racialised language is the root of all modern romanised languages including english have been created by reverse polarisation into spells from this old original language thats based on the sounds of nature, i dont know what could have prompted this evolutinary mishap perhaps mankind was going through the painstaking process of devolution. All the romanised languages including our african languages which adopted the grammar synthesis of roman style of constructing a sentence based on tense and verbs and other mish mash, all of these romanised language letter sounds except for s are all inorganic letter sounds. The mathematical equations for all these modern reverse polarised languages can be found in the Levite priest codebook. The roman( who are originally a predominate Yahudi derived people) and the levites pimped it all off the phonecianes anyway whose essential roots are Magyar. The reverse polarisation of the old language is what the confusion of the tongues as it is articulated in the old testament, the tower of babel read genesis 11v1-9
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 20:18:37 +0000

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