Recently was involved in a conversation about babies. How much - TopicsExpress


Recently was involved in a conversation about babies. How much they would love to have one, Well of course you would, who wouldnt ? Little tiny bundle of life, dependent on you for all of their needs. Growing and changing by the second, developing personality, habits and attitude. I cant imagine who I would have become without this world altering event in my life ! However, as I pointed out, when the woman became perked, it is the fathers responsibility for her and the child from then on ! Mother and fathers lives are changed forever, not stopped or ruined, but it must take a different path. Your own dreams and desires must take a backseat to the needs and wants of the child. Remember, they did not ask to be born ! You wanted a baby ! The child depends on you for all things, they will imitate you, they will watch your every action and response, this is how they learn and develop. If you want to party till you puke, engage in promiscuous behavior, lay around the house, not pay your bills, the child will learn this. If the parent dont take care of each other, they learn this also. Firm rules and gentle correction is really all a child needs, no need to scream and threaten, because they dont understand. A young child can read the emotion of dismay on your face, read the body language of let down on you. They can also read when they have made you proud, happy in and for them. There are many more consideration to be taken in this decision. The father MUST accept responsibility for the mother, her want , needs and general health MUST be placed ahead of his. The mother MUST be solely dedicated to the infant, nurturing and caring for them. She must also maintain the childs early development in area of respect, kindness and positive attitude. Both mom and dad MUST take responsibility for each other and baby. Mom, your mate is basically a little boy, ready to screw up,at a moments notice. Dad , your mate is most likely worried she cant do it, will she be alright and what happens now. Dad you also MUST protect your mate and child against any and all intrusion into your family unit, by any means you feel are justified ! You MUST support and care for the unit, beg, borrow or steal to provide what is needed for survival as a family. This is a very, very short list of items to be considered the next time someone with big soulful eyes, looks into yours and tells you how much they want a baby ...........
Posted on: Fri, 31 Jan 2014 16:39:13 +0000

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