Recipe - Click see more/continue reading. Nice and easy winter - TopicsExpress


Recipe - Click see more/continue reading. Nice and easy winter warmer! Shepards pie. An easy way to remember the difference between Shepards pie and cottage pie - is to remember Shepards look after Sheep! So Shepards pie is Lamb! Simples Cooking Level - Easy Prep time - 25mins Cooking time - 1hr 30mins Shepards pie is a really easy, starter cooking dish. So if your New Years resolution is to start cooking more/learn how to cook, this one is for you! Youll need for the filling: 1 tbsp Olive Oil 1 onion, chopped (I prefer red) 4 cloves of garlic 1 large carrots 400g minced lamb 2 tbsp flour 350ml Lamb Stock (I use homemade, but you can use the ready made, or even vegetable stock) 150g can chopped tomatoes 2 tbsp tomato purée 1 tsp Worcestershire sauce 1 bay leaf For the mashed potato topping: 800g Mashing potatoes 3 tbsp of room temperature butter 2 tbsp milk Hand full of cheese (optional) Heat the oil in a large pan, add in the onion and garlic, and fry for 2-3 mins, until the onions are soft and clear. Then add the carrots and fry together for a few minutes , stirring occasionally until they start to brown Stir in the mince and cook until brown, once browned, stir in the flour (This helps soak up all those lovely lamb juices). Cook for another 1-2 mins. Continually stir and add in the tomato purée. Pour in the stock and stir until thickened, add the tinned chopped tomatoes and Worcestershire sauce and stir. Add in your bay leaf, Reduce the heat to low and simmer, covered, for 45 mins, stirring occasionally to avoid any sticking to the bottom of your pan. Season well. Mean while whilst your filling is simmering, peal and chop your potatoes, placing into cold water immediately. Bring potatoes to boil on stove, and simmer until potatoes are tender, and fall easily off your knife when tested. Drain potatoes in a colander, then tip them back into your pan (this saves your washing up 😂)! Start to mash your potatoes, whilst they are still hot in the pan (if you wait until they are cold, they can turn kind of gluey - all to do with the starch in the potatoes, they can also go gluey if they are under cooked or over mashed)! Beat in your butter and milk. Heat oven to 180C fan/gas 6. Take your oven proof dish, and pour lamb filling onto bottom (REMOVE BAY LEAF), cover with your mash, and sprinkle cheese on top(if using). Bake for about 25 mins, until piping hot and the filling starts to bubble around the edges/your cheese is golden brown. Then enjoy!! 😍
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 16:00:36 +0000

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