Reflecting on my life, I notice that the most brilliant minds - TopicsExpress


Reflecting on my life, I notice that the most brilliant minds arent necessarily found in the educated and astute.... By observation, I find myself most enlightened by: -the honesty of children/youth -the honesty of the elderly -teenage mothers or single parents -beautiful minds and souls trapped inside of a cerebral palsy stricken body -heart disease and cancer survivors -veterans with PTSD -the mentally ill/depressed...Functioning or not -the misunderstood/misjudged by stigma or presumption Im not perfect. Nor do I presume to be. But I pay attention and do try to do the right things. With the holiday season up upon us, I challenge my friends to actually stop and pay attention to others. Think about what you can learn from a situation, good or bad. Help someone feel good about themselves. Learn something about yourself. Stop judging others by their appearance or current situation...... They may not have chosen their fate. OR ..Their bad choice may have been the best one at that moment. Be giving and forgiving.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 03:35:43 +0000

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