Regarding my open letter to CIA director John Brennan and the - TopicsExpress


Regarding my open letter to CIA director John Brennan and the repeated kidnaping and torture of my female asset named Trax. He wrote: nice headline. Im sorry about Trax! Man oh man. She must be so tough but the pigs are relentless! How do you evade torture my dear? My answer: I believe Im protected by some gods on earth, men who love me and hate me in equal measures. But they dont want to see me get hurt. These imperious men know, I am not Americas enemy. On the contrary, I am Americas greatest ally in this part of the world. The US has sanctioned every single president of the Philippines past and present, with one exception. His name was Joseph Estrada. He didnt finish his term. The CIA made sure he was ousted in 2 years. The US government puts presidents of the Philippines into power and destroys them later as they please. It has been like that from the beginning of our republic. America is used to buying leaders of states all over the world so they could turn them into their whores. The US marked me as a potential leader of the Philippines many years ago. I said no. Why on earth would I ever want to enter the disgusting world of politics in the Philippines, a world filled with the lowest form of scum you could ever imagine? This is one of the reasons why I tattooed my arms hoping this stain on my body would make the war gods in DC change their minds. Plus, why would I ever follow the orders of men in Washington DC whose minds I consider inferior to mine? Why? I wrote my first non-fiction book Warriors of Heaven, exposing the ugly relationship between the Philippines and the US. The book has been required reading in the University of the Philippines and other universities nationwide. It is compulsory reading in 3 subjects, Philosophy, Popular Literature and Political Science. I thought if I defied them by writing the truth, theyd kill me or give up on me. But the opposite happened. I became even more valuable to them. I suppose, like the Buddhist oracles told me many years ago, the harder I try to run from my destiny, the more my destiny grips me. They told me over 20 years ago that I would change the course of history in the Philippines and the world. They told me I would become as an icon of hope and courage for the poor. You are probably wondering why it so easy for me to mention words such as CIA and the gods of war in DC. I am familiar with such things. I have had a long relationship with the US government because I became the asset of one of the top CIA operatives when I was only 16 years old. I call him Marcus in my books. He was my mentor. Because of him, I know what its like to be a solider. I also know what its like to be a spy. The problem with the gods of war in DC is they will never understand my genius. They admire me, but they also hate me. And they will never be able to accept that as far as I am concerned, no man is my equal in mind, body and spirit. They cannot accept that they will never be able to turn me into their whore. There isnt enough money in the galaxies they could offer me so Id sell them my soul. Id rather die! They have been tormenting me into obedience for the last 8 years. Still, I am more defiant today as ever. People wonder why Im still alive. They refuse to kill me because, I havent served my purpose. After all, some people in the Philippines call me Mother of the Revolution, Mother of Freedom, She Dragon. They dont want to assassinate the Mother of the Revolution. They want to control her. But that is not possible. Nothing owns me in this world. The CIA has tormented all those I love, including my son Jason Ivler, my family, my friends and my allies. And all because they want me to obey and become their whore. So why shouldnt I welcome death when America continues to torture me? Even so, I will die fighting to my last dying breath. They will never own me. Tears....................
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 04:02:58 +0000

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