Reiki translated means Universal Life Energy in which healing is - TopicsExpress


Reiki translated means Universal Life Energy in which healing is performed by the touch of the hands during which the client remains fully clothed for the duration of the treatment. The Universal Life Force Energies are channelled through the Reiki Practitioner. Reiki has very positive effects on your well-being: * Balances and strengthens the bodys energy * Promotes self-healing * Helps to cleanse the body of toxins * Induces a state of total relaxation * Accelerates healing & helps reduce pain A Reiki healing session can induce an extremely comfortable state of being that can bring alteration in the clients consciousness. £20 the session Swedish Massage is a classic form of massage that uses varying techniques of long stroking movements that relax and sedate. Massage is the manipulation of superficial as well as deeper muscles in the body. Swedish Massage uses movements and pressure to relieve tense, stiff or sore muscles and rids the body of waste and toxins which cause congestion and inhibits a person from being able to perform at their fullest potential. If you are looking to get away and forget the troubles of the day, massage is one of the best ways to do so. Soothing strokes coupled with the required pressure can alleviate pains and allow you to drift off. If you are in good health and looking to unwind then massage is for you. Certain conditions however can worsen with a massage session of any kind, so an honest evaluation of your health will be in order as you fill out the Massage evaluation sheet. This information will be kept strictly private and confidential between client and therapist. Massage benefits can range from a cellular level to entire systems. One can feel musculo-skeletal, psycological, physiological and even emotional benefits. Swedish massage has been proven in many cases to help your body systems to work to the fullest of their abilities. Swedish massage requires the parts of the body being massaged to be unclothed, this will be done with the highest level of professionalism. The parts of the body not being massaged at the moment will be covered with towels to protect your modesty. £20 half an hour £30 an hour £40 swedish massage and reiki an hour session Brain gym – simple exercises for a better mind and body simple series of exercises could help your brain function better, making you sharper, smarter – and far more confident. Brain Gym comprises very easy body movements which have been designed to coax the two hemispheres of the brain to work in synchronisation. Apparently when our brains become balanced, our whole bodies respond, revitalising our natural healing mechanisms, restoring health and harmony. Brain Gym can do everything from speeding up your reading to boosting self-esteem. It can improve your eyesight and even increase your creativity. It gives you a cutting edge both in the office and in your personal life, improving communication skills, helping you make better decisions and even giving you a boost when you’re facing rejection or disappointment. Brain Gym is the practical self-help side of Educational Kinesiology, a system which developed out of work with dyslexia and learning disabilities in children. Researcher Dr Paul Dennison found that very simple body movements could help to improve brain function. Kay McCarroll, whose dyslexia ruined her school days, now teaches and promotes the system in the UK. She says, “It changed my life, quite literally; I can’t put it strongly enough. At school I was always being told to “try harder” but I literally couldn’t work any harder. I was trying my level best. Educational Kinesiology changed everything. Now I have even written a book.” However Kay stresses that Brain Gym is not just for children with learning difficulties; it can help everyone, Even those who think they have perfectly normal brain function will find the exercises will help them perform even better. Brain Gym can help everyone get more out of their brains – and more out of life. £20 half an hour Touch for Health - Kinesiology is a non invasive method of natural healthcare which increases awareness, helps reduce stress and pain, improves performance and promotes health and wellbeing. Developed by Dr. George Goodheart in the 1960s, Kinesiology is an exciting integration of proven techniques and principles from eastern and western medicine including Chiropractic, Chinese Medicine and the science of muscle movement. It can help physical, emotional and biochemical aspects of the body to work efficiently, increase clear communication between the body systems and enable the body to use its natural resources to stay healthy. The possibilities are wide and varied depending on the individual. The belief central to Kinesiology is that optimum health comes from being in balance with all things. When we are free from negative stress and in balance benefits include: * Improvement in general health * Increased energy and vitality * More confidence and personal motivation * Improved posture and relief from physical pain and tension * Stress relief and day to day stress management strategies * Assistance to change attitudes, set and achieve personal goals. * Enhanced brain function and therefore improved co-ordination, work & sports performance. £30 an hour session What are Bach flower remedies? Bach flower remedies were introduced in the 1930s by Edward Bach, M.D., (1886-1936) a British physician, who developed what he called a theory of types by which he divided people into seven groups based on their reactions to illness. He listed these types as fear, uncertainty, loneliness, oversensitivity, lack of interest in present circumstances, despondency, and over-concern for others. Dr. Bach believed that negative moods and emotions were responsible for the breakdown in health that leads to illness and determined that treatment had to address patients emotional and mental states. He devised 38 wild flower essences, or remedies, for treatment for these negative moods and emotions.
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 09:00:18 +0000

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