Relationship is the union of two or more people, having something - TopicsExpress


Relationship is the union of two or more people, having something in common and who share common interest and work together to achieve a common goal. The greatest relationship in this world is not that of husband and wife, mother and daughter, son and father, best friends or lovers...the greatest relationship is that you have and build with God. Hallelujah! The bible makes us understand the man who has not been reconciled to God is an alien ( he/she is hostile to God) He may act right, talk right and do all the good things you can think of but the bibles says such acts are filthy rags unto his sight ! The good news is: while we were yet sinners, Christ came to die for us , reconciled us to himself and has committed unto our hands the gospel of reconciliation In other words, we are now his friend(no more slaves but comrades) Hallelujah!!!! We share the same life with God; eternal life (Zoë). God (the triune) now dwells in us and we dwell in him---we have become one with him. Glory to God!!! What a gospel!!!!!!! I dont have to be afraid, timid, shy, look inferior when coming to God. But what if I committed a sin? The bible says let us come BOLDY unto him that we might obtain mercy and grace to help in time of need Notice he DIDNT say, let us come unto him shyly, fearfully or timidly... BUT boldly.... Praise God! This means, when I committed a sin, I come unto him boldly and obtain mercy and the bible says, if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness ( 1 John 1:9) He doesnt only forgive me of my sins but he also cleanses me from all unrighteousness. Hallelujah!!!!! when you know who you are in Christ Jesus (a new creation) you will be grateful to God...your life will be that of worship, praise and thanksgiving. To be one with God means to be a partaker of his divine nature (the very life of God ) This is not a cliché or slogan but the truth! Hallelujah!!! Listen, if you dont have Christ, you are as useless as a dead corpse--you are actually dead--cut off from God. That makes it worse brother/sister. But it doesnt not end there-- you dont have a place in his kingdom. Meaning, when you die you will go straight to hell--eternal damnation. Today is the day for salvation....dont wait for another day--it might be to late. if you are not born again, take some time and say these words, having faith in Gods word: Oh Lord God, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I believe that Christ died and was risen from the death. I confess him as my Lord and personal saviour, therefore I receive eternal life into my spirit...I declare i am born-again. Hallelujah!!!! If you just said this, then welcome into Gods Kingdom. Hallelujah!!!! The bible says if thou shall believe in your heart the Lord Jesus and shall confess that Christ was risen from death, by the glory of the father, thou shall be saved; for with the mouth, man believe unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Roman 10:9-10) This means, you are NOW in his kingdom and his son/daughter : NOW are we the sons of God.... (1 John 3:2)
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:05:28 +0000

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