Religion, cast, creed, color….AND MAN AT PERPETUAL FIGHT Since - TopicsExpress


Religion, cast, creed, color….AND MAN AT PERPETUAL FIGHT Since time immemorial, we human have been fighting. And our reasons to fight are strange. Let me take you from micro to macro system of our thought process. We fight as a brother and sister when at home. But soon our fight gets converted into lower income versus higher income group with our colony or Mohalla. If we do not find this set of fight then we find out the reason in terms lower class versus upper class. Even If this reason is not present then we fight on the basis of Hindu and Muslims. In nut shell, we human have developed innate quality to remain at fight no matter what. However, the hidden and very subtle reason to remain at fight is to prove that MY FAILURE OF LIFE is either due to discrimination in family, in society, caste system or at last due to my religion. Many readers may agree or disagree with me, the day I stop blaming others for my failure, peace will prevail in my life. Now a very burning issue these days..RELIGION. At the outset let me say that in this world there is only 2 religions. You take any religion and you will be able to put that in either one of it. Religion no.1 is SANKALP, the self determination (DHYAN) and Religion no.2 is SAMARPAN, the surrender ( PREM). The great Masters like Buddha and Mahaveera are the icon of that DHYAN ( the self determination) and there is great lineage of Premi, the one surrendered like Kabeer, Raidas, Meera, Dadoo, Sahjoo, Kumbhan, Nanak, Jesus and Mohmmad. Now if you go very deep, you will find Dhyan Dhara in Buddh and Mahaveer. If you go deep you will find Prem Dhara in Kabeer, Raidas, Nanak, Jesus and Mohhmad. Now Hinduism is everlasting and will ever last because it has accepted both Dhyan and Prem as ONE… why I am saying so??? It is this wide perspective of Hindiusm that makes it great ( I know some readers may abuse it with mouthful GAALIS, their choice). PLEASE REMEMBER HINDUISM IS NOT A RELIGION. But it is a way to live out your life the way you want to live. That is very essence of HINDUISM that on this land all types of worshiper were given equal place and freedom to follow what they wanted. Even the worshipers uprooted in their homeland found place in Bharat or India…..may write more..but after reader criticism… from a PERPETUAL SEEKER....
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 08:04:41 +0000

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