Remember on Moms birthday I declared the Nostalgia Critic to be - TopicsExpress


Remember on Moms birthday I declared the Nostalgia Critic to be one of my best comedic influences, and declared him much better than Seth Rogen? Well, for those who remember, you may be wondering what my favorite Nostalgia Critic reviews are. Well, Ive come up with an ingenious idea, to make Top 10 countdowns of my favorite episodes the year they were released on the Internet, from 2008 to present. So sit back and enjoy the Top 10 Favorite Nostalgia Critic Episodes of 2008. 10 - Super Mario Bros. (1993) One of the Critics first ever reviews, its also one of his shortest, as in this one, he doesnt necessarily tell the story like every other review hes done. He just skips through several bits of the film and comments about the films problems. Among his problems are Dennis Hoppers performance and that the movie has very little to do with the video game. My favorite part in the review is when the Critic is eagerly hoping to hear Mario and Luigis last name, but is disappointed and annoyed to find out its just simply Mario. 9 - Top 11 Underrated Nostalgic Classics One of the few Nostalgia Critic episodes to show the Critics less funny and more honest side, he counts town the Top 11 picks that he considers underrated. Some of his picks are actually kind of underrated in a way, and three of his picks I even watch and like. As for the other picks, Im considering watching some of them again, realizing, thanks to the Critic, they are, for me, very good and very well-written movies. 8 - Top 11 Catchiest Theme Songs This Top 11 of the Critics proves that were not alone when it comes to annoying songs today. But rather than talk about annoying songs like Blurred Lines and All About that Bass, the Critic turns his attention to childrens theme songs, finding his picks very catchy and memorable but becomes annoyed when he gets to the #1. Whats the #1 catchiest theme song? Im not gonna tell you, but let me just say that its better than Blurred Lines and All About that Bass in every imaginable way. 7 - Top 11 Animated Disney Villains Goes to show you that the Critic is a huge geek for Disney as am I, especially with those villains. In this Top 11, he picks his favorites, and his picks are what I completely expected to see on his list, because they are all extremely iconic villains. Another good reason to put this episode here is because its one of the few Top 11s to actually be funny as well. In some points, the Critic questions the villains when he mentions some of their flaws, causing the villains to cause harm to the Critic. Another funny joke in this episode is when he mentions the villain of The Jungle Book Shere Khan, a clip of William Shatner from Star Trek yelling Khan! is played whenever the Critic mentions Shere Khans name. 6 - Top 11 Saddest Nostalgic Moments Okay, I swear Im not doing this on purpose, but are you in the mood for one more Top 11 episode? Relax. This ones different, as it focuses on the Critics sentimental side as he counts down the most saddest moments in film hes ever seen in his childhood. Most of those moments are from cartoons, but I can see why theyre considered tear-jerking. 5 - Jingle All the Way (1996) Even though Christmas is the Critics favorite holiday, he is disappointed to find that the Christmas film hes reviewing that year is Jingle All the Way, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is the Critics first film that has Schwarzenegger as the star, and considering hes not a big fan of him, the Critic mocks Arnold endlessly in this review, constantly mimicking Arnolds voice as well as panning this movie itself. My favorite part of the review is when the Critic is commenting about the mailbomb scene, calling that scene extremely funny, but becoming extremely angry when after the explosion, it shows the cop that got blown up unharmed. The Critics yell of anger upon that realization makes me crack up every time I hear it. 4 - Kazaam (1996) I really hope you havent watched this film on Family Movie Channel, Mom, because if you did, youd react exactly how the Critic reacted to this film. In this review, he makes it very clear that he really hates Shaquille ONeal, the films star, and is also convinced that this is not meant to be a family film at all. I have three favorite parts in this review; the first is when the Critic is commenting about the fight scene at the end of the film and cheering Shaq on while the theme for Mortal Kombat plays in the background. The second is when the Critic overreacts when Shaq touches a kids face while sleeping on a bed, calling that a Bad Touch and calling the police on a phone. The third is the ending, which I will not spoil for you, because it is so funny, I want you all to get a laugh as I did when I saw it the first time. 3 - Tom and Jerry: The Movie (1992 or 1993) One of the first Nostalgia Critic reviews Ive ever seen, this review is considered one of the best Critic reviews of all time. A longtime Tom and Jerry fan, the Critic is stunned and disappointed to not only see the famous duo talk in the film, but sing, dance and get along. This scene drives the Critic to depression, looking at a Tom and Jerry DVD and reciting the Alas, Poor Yorick soliloquy from Hamlet but replacing Yoricks name with Tom and Jerry and their antics. Another favorite part of mine in the review is when hes commenting about the chase sequence at the end of the film, calling it insane and driving him to temporarily do crazy things while watching the chase sequence, all the while while the song Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger plays in the background. 2 - Batman & Robin (1997) This review is enjoyable as it contains, in my opinion, the best ever Critic gag of all time. While considering Batman and Robin one of the worst sequels hes ever seen, he heavily criticizes the story, the one-liners, Mr. Freezes ice puns, and the fact that it has every superhero cliche in the book. My favorite part, and the best gag, is when the Critic discovers the main problem with the film, causing him to go on a big, big gibberish rant. Whats his problem? Its summed up in three simple words: Bat Credit Card. 1 - Godzilla (1998) This is, like, the only review Ive ever recited to you, Mom, word to word. Youve heard it two times, and twice, you thought it was funny. Our funniest bit was at the beginning of the review, when the Critic got hooked in on two Roland Emmerich movies, Stargate and Independence Day, and leave his room to watch those films, and then come back extremely angry and unhappy. He shows that hes not a big fan of Emmerich by reviewing Godzilla, heavily criticizing Matthew Brodericks performance (as well as his line, Thats a lot of fish) and the script. This review is where the Critics comedic genius shines, with his hilarious jokes and funny comments during the review. Even though youve probably not watched those Nostalgia Critic episodes yet, do you still agree with my list? You probably will, because you all like my own words. Post a comment if you want to praise my words, and I hope you enjoyed reading this. Tomorrow, Im gonna make another Nostalgia Critic Top 10. Stay tuned.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 03:51:57 +0000

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