Remember this important little tid-bit about the art of sharing - TopicsExpress


Remember this important little tid-bit about the art of sharing with others,... If youre already involved with a great primary home-based business, odds are, many people will not always be interested in that particular primary business opportunity right off. But one thing for sure, is that you can increase earnings by having something else for them to buy once the traffic starts to flow, and I have that base covered as well! If you have a follow-up opportunity to point them towards, additional income most certainly will occur. The odds find that fact to be true Share iQ Konnect as a follow-up, (or better yet, primary if that fits even better), and earn after you have exhausted your drip-efforts from your primary offer! Really, the strategies are truly endless and we will cover that as well This is a Golden Ticket moment! Many people have had their youtube channels shut-down because of a rivals complaint, or have been thrown into facebook jail for making too many friend requests, and are limited to what they can do on other social sites,... We all share content and build relationships that adds value for these social media giants and their stock holders. But,... What if you could be like one of the stockholders? Weve all helped build Social Media empires for facebook, youtube, linkedIn, twitter, and others. They have become billion dollar corporations because of our efforts where we are constantly connecting with others, through providing content that grows their wallet, not ours. If you havent heard yet, (many still havent), iQ Konnect, the new All-in-One Social Media Platform, that is only weeks or days away, (depending when you read this), from bursting on to the scene for public consumption as an industry liberator for all home-based and marketing businesses because,... It is entrepreneur and marketer friendly, as well as just a great way to expand connections around the globe! This new platform that has taken the best ideas from other powerful social media ideas and rolled it all into one all-inclusive network concept so that when the platform goes Live to the public people with free member status are rewarded for just connecting with others through personal content by sharing videos, and posting moral content of your choosing,... Imagine, if you will, Having a ground-floor position in a power-house media like YouTube, Pinterest reddit, or even facebook,... when they first got started. Any one of those early positions would have set you up financially for the rest of your life! Heres the rub,... I can tell you with confidence and all certainty that this is such an opportunity that now lies within your grasp, for a very limityed time before launch! If you watch our short video, ( ), you will see just a glimpse as to how iQ Konnect can impact your social media out-reach or be utilized in whatever dream biz op you may already be working on and intensify your syndication efforts! Please understand that if you’re not active, for $9.95, as a 1st Inviter, you’re not going to be able to participate with the roll out of the new Platform as a 1st Inviter after the launch. Only Active 1st Inviters will be able to grant entrance to free positions within the IQ Konnect Social Media Platform when it opens to the public. Only fast action takers that wish to become a 1st Inviter before launch will be able to secure a spot. Brand partners will available after launch, but not 1st Inviters 1st Inviter positions will close very soon, so grab your position now and Ill help get you plugged into the community and provide additional info. We are in this together, you are not alone! Another short video with additional information here: https://l9app/nryan
Posted on: Sun, 26 Oct 2014 09:21:04 +0000

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