Remember when Insurance companies used to ration healthcare to - TopicsExpress


Remember when Insurance companies used to ration healthcare to those who were a cost burden or they simply just wouldnt cover you? I remember a time when I couldnt afford my medications and had to pick and choose what ones I could make last longer or just not buy them at all. Im sure by not treating myself properly I would have eventually become very ill or worse. I love taking out my BCBS Insurance card that I pay for every month and know Im gonna finally get good treatment and effective medications for my blood pressure. I no longer have to be careful and knowing my Dr. can work with me without the worry of affordability or accessibility to our system is literally life changing, I can finally start using a preventive approach rather then a hope for the best mentality. It seems I will not become a huge cost to treat later down the road when I eventually would have had serious expensive medical problems from non treatment of my medical problem if its not too late already. I can at least save all of you some money by now accessing proper medications and other preventive treatments. Just like to thank everyone who saw the benefits of making sure people like me could afford good healthcare when I no longer had the luxury of employer covered healthcare. Thanks to all who could see beyond the politics and propaganda to vote for the people who see this nation as us rather then them. I think that old saying holds more truth then ever before.....United we stand, divided we fall.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:11:03 +0000

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