Remember when Nancy Pelosi said: We have to pass it, to find out - TopicsExpress


Remember when Nancy Pelosi said: We have to pass it, to find out whats in it? A physician called in to a radio show and said: Thats the definition of a stool sample. That pretty well sums it up...just another attempt at confiscation cloaked in the robes of false compassion. 40 million currently uninsured and according to AP (and NOT FOX News!) Kathleen Silly-B-Us has known for MONTHS that at most the ACA will reduce those numbers by no more than 3.9 million...not even TEN PERCENT!! Meanwhile MILLIONS MORE lose their doctors and current plans (psst Obama lied his f***ing a** off and the zombies and lame stream media just lapped it upped and rolled over to better expose their entrails!) and even more people than THAT find their new premiums more than they can bear. Requiring 80 year old women to have maternity coverage (remember the liberal mantra: what one has the other must have too...its what this whole stinking Fraud has been placated upon). HOW STUPID IS THAT????? Thanks whining, anti-life, anti-intelligence, hero-worshipping, pack-mentality driven, dodo, boo boo sillyheads!!!!! :-p Im 49. I was a Progressive for the first 30. I know these poor, sweet, unwilling-to-take-responsibility-for-anything-and-equally-unwilling-to-hold-anyone-responsible-for-same, miserable, angry hacks like I know every inch of my gloriously naked body! The day they learn that the only way to help the poor is to teach them how not to be poor and then get the f*** out of the way and provide free markets for them to use their new skills in, is the day I dream of. But that requires effort, dedication, GOOD POLITE MANNERS and commitment...but of course ITS NOT FAIR to demand so much...silly arent they??? Gnight yall. Leaving for Sint Maarten Saturday...woo-whooooooooooooooooooo!! Love yall and yes, that means all my silly liberal friends who I think are some of the greatest people on earth!!! Good. Done.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:06:30 +0000

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