Report details extent of violence in Georgia prisons The center - TopicsExpress


Report details extent of violence in Georgia prisons The center has asked the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the state’s prison system, which the center contends is unable to protect its employees or inmates. Calls to the public affairs officer at the Department of Cor­­rections were not returned last week. The Georgia Bureau of In­ves­ti­gation is working on the latest killing at the Augusta prison. Pat Morgan, the special agent in charge of the local GBI office, said he anticipates a suspect will be charged this week in the June 29 stabbing death of Shannon Grier. Grier, 29, is the third homicide victim at the prison since 2011. It’s not just the homicides that are detailed in the center’s report, The Crisis of Violence in Georgia’s Prisons. It notes dozens of violent attacks by inmates, including an April 25 stabbing of an Augusta State Medical Prison inmate. According to an incident report, a guard had escorted Durante Smith back to his cell, where another inmate was lying in wait. LaMorris Russell stabbed Smith twice in the back before the guard was able to pull Smith away, the report said. Russell had been able to get out of his own cell by breaking the lock. The center contends [...] geogianews/report-details-extent-of-violence-in-georgia-prisons-2/
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 06:01:30 +0000

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