Report from Babylon help and support association in Gothenburg in - TopicsExpress


Report from Babylon help and support association in Gothenburg in the recent trip to Iraq from 2014-09-12 to 2014-09-17. BABYLON went on 2014-09-12 to the city of Erbil to check the location and the situation of those who have fled from Mosul and Nineveh-and we had with us prescriptions of medications that help the refugees in Erbil and when we were at the place we bought also the Cleaning agents and germicides for about 220 families and also we purchased simple cookers for 80 families. We have collected also about 3 tons of clothes, and that have been sent to the refugees in Erbil. More than 500,000 people have fled the city Mosul, Nineveh and Baghdad and most are minorities, Christian Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Yazzidi, Sheia Turkomans to the city of Erbil and Dohuk many of them have left the country through Turkey, and other countries in search of protection. We have visited all the camps in Erbil; we have helped those who we could help with buying simple cookers and cleaner but the need remains. The situation is absolutely not good for the refugees. At first we thought that the refugees are only from Mosul and Nineveh but we saw that many have fled from Baghdad, Deyala and other cities and they still flee either to Erbil, Turkey and other neighboring countries. In recent days, many died in the city of Baghdad, rockets, bombs, kidnappings and suicide-attackers The situation is no better there is disaster in Baghdad, every day people are dying, bombing by unknown attackers, kidnapping is still going on as Iraqi Christians they have no life at all in Baghdad, no one to protect those they are trying to get to safe places Babylon help and support association continues its work to help the needy in Erbil and now we say if they do not get help when winter is coming then many people will die, already on our trip to Erbil so that many children and elderly are very sick and there is a shortage of medicine and doctors, many of those living out on the streets, public parks, basic camping and on buildings that are under construction, diseases that spread among refugees without their knowledge.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Sep 2014 17:59:41 +0000

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