(Reposting because I have reports that FB is being weird about - TopicsExpress


(Reposting because I have reports that FB is being weird about this being shared.) All right people, lets talk about the flu. Ive been over and over this, but lets reiterate that the flu shot does not work. Download some flu shot inserts from the internet. They literally say on them that it has never been proven effective. Here is a summary of literature here: namv.org/fact-sheets.html Despite the fact that we all know this, the CDC actually admitted this year that it wasnt going to work at all because they guessed the wrong strains. In this apology they reiterate that you should still get the shot in order to lessen the disease course. NOT only has this NEVER been proven to happen, its never actually been studied as far as I can find. emergency.cdc.gov/han/han00374.asp Still think, Whats the big deal? Ill get it anyway just in case. Well look at this gem of a study that concluded: vaccine-induced protection was greatest for individuals not vaccinated during the prior 5 years. People who had a flu shot OVER 5 YEARS AGO WERE THE LEAST LIKELY TO GET THE FLU. Why you ask? Its because injecting yourself with thimerosal ( a broken down form of Mercury- google the MSDS sheet for thimerosal an see what page it brings up), aluminum, formaldehyde, antifreeze, antibiotics etc, tanks your immune system opening you up to catch any disease that is around! cid.oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2014/09/29/cid.ciu680.short Still think just getting it anyway is no big deal? Check out this link. The flu shot is the most compensated vaccine in vaccine court. Remember that it is estimated that only 10% of adverse events are actually reported. hrsa.gov/vaccinecompensation/statisticsreport.pdf Per the fear mongering that many people die of the flu each year, please see this publication of data from the American Lung Association. Scroll down to the charts. You will see that influenza and pneumonia are reported together. This is what the media uses to create drama. However as you scroll down through the many charts you will see the two diseases separated to their own charts. Prepare to be incredibly unimpressed with the number of flu deaths every year. lung.org/…/our…/trend-reports/pi-trend-report.pdf What I cant figure out, is why people go to the doctor to be tested for the flu. WHO CARES?!?! Save your money and your time. You have it, you dont have it, its this type, its that type… WHO CARES. It is a giant waste of time and money. Look- Big Pharma TRAINED YOU to want to know what do I have by spending BILLIONS of dollars on WebMD! Big Pharma runs this site. Why? Because if they can train you to think- what do I got, then can then train you to think, what medication do I need. Instead everyone needs to retrain themselves to think- What is my body missing that it needs? Hint- the answer will NEVER be a man made chemical. Tamiflu? Think again! This drug actually had many many studies done on it with the pharmaceutical company initially refusing to release MOST of them. The studies that are published state that it decreases symptoms by HALF A DAY. Half a day? Come on. Still think you might as well give it a whirl? The side effects are so dangerous that this drug has been banned in Europe and many other countries. The most interesting effects to note are droves of children becoming violent and jumping from buildings. The Cochrane Review made a hallmark statement on this drug in April of this year. cochrane.org/features/tamiflu-relenza-how-effective-are-they How do you prevent the flu? Stop eating sugar! 1 tsp of sugar tanks your immune system for up to 8 hours. Get some rest. Be nice to your gut flora by using high quality probiotics, fermented foods, and bone broth. Avoid processed, chemical, and junk foods. How do you give yourself a boost to kick it faster? Stay Hydrated- use coconut water if you need to Take 1 tsp of sovereign silver 5 times a day. Hold it in your mouth for a minute before swallowing. Take 2 tsp elderberry syrup 5 times a day. The other things I have that kick viruses incredibly fast that arent the easiest to find are Viracillin and Agrisept. You can look for either if you desire. Lastly, I want to leave you with a thought. EVERY YEAR THE FLU IS THE WORST THAT ITS EVER BEEN!!!! EVERY. SINGLE. YEAR. Quit buying in to this BS!
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 20:24:05 +0000

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