Republicans are hoping American voters lack the ability to connect - TopicsExpress


Republicans are hoping American voters lack the ability to connect the dots on the damage theyve caused, and childishly blame President Obama for everything. Right after the Supreme Court usurped American democracy and installed the losing Presidential candidate, Bush, to be the figurehead for the right wing oligarchic agenda, Republicans didnt waste a moment turning the surpluses Clinton left them into deficits with huge tax giveaways to their only constituency - the rich (giveaways that Republicans swore would pay for themselves through an amazing trickle of prosperity that would result) and putting illegal lie-based wars of corporate aggression on the credit card... all while insisting they support the troops. As with all things, Republican rhetoric rarely matches reality. For all the focus group-tested promises and manufactured praise they heap on the military while the cameras are rolling... Republicans are detestable when it comes to actually funding the services veterans need when they make it home. Republicans not only have a history of using the military as General Smedley Butler, described - high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers - they have a LONG history of cutting, blocking or defunding veterans resources. So now, theyre all conveniently outraged at the consequences of their abhorant policies. Normal people (non-Republicans) are well aware of Republican Strategy: Obstruct, blame democrats for the damage caused by obstruction. Rinse. Repeat. You see... for Republicans, its not about governing to promote the general welfare - its about maintaining the power and feeding the greed of the oligarchy. So, everything is a political performance meant to convince dupes into cheering their own demise. In this scenario, a live veteran is just a nuisance... if only they had the decency to give their lives for their... *ahem*! Then, Republicans could all flock to their funerals to make speeches about concepts they know nothing about - like the altruism of making sacrifices - including the ultimate sacrifice - for ones fellow countrymen. As Bill Maher said, The one thats easy to say now is, I Support The Troops. Doesnt cost ya anything. But Ive got a question for you: can you really support the troops if you also support these massive tax cuts for the very rich? Because the people we say are our heroes are paid by tax dollars. And we hear about, teachers have to buy their own school supplies, soldiers in this country are on food stamps...couldnt somebody in congress stand up and say, Why dont we take half of that big tax cut and give it to our heroes? Or is that why theyre our heroes, because they work cheap?
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 03:01:59 +0000

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