Researching more of Arkham Knights story, and though I am sad that - TopicsExpress


Researching more of Arkham Knights story, and though I am sad that Dini is off the job I am excited about this games plot. Unless you wanna wait till you play for the plot details so far, STEER CLEAR FOR WHAT COULD BE CONSIDERED SPOILERS HERE. Weve got Scarecrow planning to fear gas Gotham, which has been somewhat crime free ever since Joker s demise in Arkham City... at least on the surface, that is. Behind the scenes, the various villains of Gotham have been planning a gigantic assault on the Dark Knight while Scarecrow clears the city of fleeing citizens. Only Barman and a crew of outnumbered cops are left to fight Arkham s rogues gallery (which are shown, but not limited to Penguin, Two Face, and a hideously redesigned Harley Quinn). Each are out for personal revenge in a final assault against Batman. But it seems that there is a new villain in the shadows: A gun-wielding, mysterious figure in armor known only as the Arkham Knight. A few notes: 1. I love a game where multiple villains are fighting TOGETHER against Batman for once. It seems theyve learned from Arkham City that fighting each other has gotten them nowhere, and are doing something a villain with common sense would do! 2. Thank God they didnt bring Joker back. Granted, he IS the most iconic villain in the Batman mythos, but after the powerful masterpiece of an ending from the previous game, it would just undermine his death in the first place. Besides, didnt it seem like Joker was always hindering the success of the villains in Arkham City by feeding the conflict that their sights off of Batman and teaming up to actually stand a chance of beating him? LIKE THAT THING THAT HAS BEEN DONE TO BEAT HIM IN THE COMICS BEFORE?! (And people say that Bane isnt smart...Hmph!) 3. An original character? Um...okay...I dont really think youd need it, but it could work well. With what Ive seen of him so far, he seems like an opposite/antithesis villain for Batman, which we have a lot of in his list of bat guys. And as to the speculation about his identity? If it DIES turn out to be Jason Todd Ill be annoyed, but Ill accept it begrudgingly. If its Thomas Wayne, however, my rage will crackle straight through my PS4. Do NOT let me down with your fanfic OC, Rocksteady. 4. On the subject of looks, this game looks FANTASTIC! The graphics look lifelike and sleek, I like the designs of wartorn Gotham, and to say least, the Batmobile looks FREAKING AWESOME. Batman s costume looks pretty cool, I guess, but it seems both stupid and awesome to have it resemble an Iron Man suit. As for some of the villain designs, however... 5. Harley, what did they do to ya?! When I said I wanted a little less fanservice, I didnt mean by making you look like a clown version of Barbara Streisand! Look back at this trailer and explain to me why they decided to elongate her nose, to smash her chin up like that... I dont like setting beauty standards, but Harley is considered one of the most attractive women in comic for a reason, yknow? It seems strange that after all that work of rendering all this lip gloss pixels and hot gluing her boobs into that corset from the last game (and the one before that!), you would unhotify her like this. But hey, just an artistic difference. 6. Anyone think Arkham Knight looks like Ultron? What with that purple light eye beam visor, metal armor, etc.? Dude, if Ultron was in Batman game, Id throw any amount of cash at that. 7. Batman looks tad too young to me. What I mean by this is that because this takes place 3 years after Arkham City, he should look a little more...haggard. for goodness sake, in the trailer, his hair is the richest shade of chocolate brown youve ever seen; with all the crap hes been through his hair should be grayer than the line between modern and post-modern! Also, does his head seen too big when he is wearing his Under Armour metal one-piece? I know thats REALLY specific, but its something I cant help but nitpick over. Well, Im pretty much out of what I can say about my preliminary knowledge of this game so far. In any case, all I CAN say is: E3 2014 cant come soon enough!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 00:40:47 +0000

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