Retelling of an Ogden incident/s and where it stands today. - TopicsExpress


Retelling of an Ogden incident/s and where it stands today. Warning. RANT. My truck was broken into in late May in the court parking lot where people park to dine/shop/drink for Historic 25th St. Another friend had their car broken into a few spaces away that same evening. Each of us called the police. Got a case number, etc... The police didnt take any fingerprints and left with 5 minutes of arriving. I was out a few hundred bucks in personal items, cost of fixing window, etc... But, unfortunately I had a couple of checkbooks in the car. I immediately canceled the checks. My friend had a credit card stolen and immediately canceled it. Before she cancelled her card the thief had made purchases at both 7-11 and Walmart. This info was given to police. The thief was able to use 3 checks at Maverick and my bank declined paying them so Maverick sent me to collections. I gave them the case number and all appears to be well. I also passed this info along to police (copies of letters, etc...). Maverick wont release any information to me. Only to the police. Obviously there will be camera footage, potential fingerprints on checks, etc... Then the thief tries to cash a check for $2,000 at Check City on Harrison. The person trying to cash the check is a regular customer. When the clerk asks to verify the check the person gives her a phone number for the person who wrote the check. They speak, but she says she needs to check with her manager when she comes in before she can cash it due to the amount. She gets the customers phone number and the customer leaves. It seems fishy to the clerk so she looks up my info and actually calls me on the phone. I tell her about the stolen checkbook/truck scenario etc... She says if I call the cops and have them come in shell call the customer back to let them know the check cleared and they can be arrested. Sounds like an open and shut slam dunk. Bad guy goes away. I call the police. The dispatcher says someone will call me back. I ask for an ETA... excitedly thinking we can catch this person if we move quick. She seems annoyed by the question.... Sir, is the person there right now? No, but they will be if we call back to them know it cleared. Sir, if the person isnt actually there youll be at the back of the line.. OK, how long is that? We can catch this person. My wife works in a pharmacy and they do this fraudulent prescriptions all the time. Sir, I cant give you a time... The lady is really getting annoyed with me at this point and Im like a happy puppy dog excited that the bad guys are going to get it. How long was it before they called me back? They never called me back. Not that night. Not the next day. Not ever. They never called the Check City either. Not to this day (roughly 4 weeks later), I followed up with the clerk today. Ive called the police almost weekly since then and I get nothing. Ive been biting my tongue pretty hard. The people at Check City have phone numbers, the check (potential fingerprints), (security footage might be gone by now). The person is a regular customer. So frustrating. Today I found out the criminal was somehow able to withdraw $3,000 from the account even with a stop on it... I wont go into too many details on how (Im thinking either they or a friend works at the store that helped them), but its now fixed and the money is back in my account. I just have to pay for another new service on my account. Again, I call the police. 4 hours later I hear back. That was nice. But, the officer basically tells me he wont be doing anything about it for a few months. In which time the evidence will likely disappear and more crimes will be committed. Both this scenario and the Check City scenario are slam dunks in ease to catch the person. This person has committed 7 additional crimes since breaking into two vehicles. The police dont seem to care. Theyre not calling the stores where these instances occurred. When I call into the police they always tell me my case number is archived or something to that effect while new crimes are occurring all the time? Is Ogden trying to keep its crime rates artificially low through this method? Here are 7 crimes that basically arent recorded. They basically dont exist. Thousands of dollars in theft/fraud. Not one single call to any of the stores for evidence. Nothing. To date the person that broke into the vehicles of two different people visiting Historic 25th Street have now committed 7 additional crimes related just to these two vehicle break ins. I wonder how many other crimes theyre committing daily or how many they committed prior to breaking into our vehicles? I have had several petty moving violations since moving downtown... not a complete stop, and illegal left hand turn. Basically the cop is looking for an excuse to pull me over in this neighborhood at night. Mindy has even been pulled over in our driveway. She always gets away without a ticket, but I always get one. The two of us have been stopped by police when walking home from dinner... the cop was basically insinuating that sort of prostitution scenario must be occurring. Its maddening. You move downtown to make the place nicer and you get harassed by cops. Ive put up with it as I know they have a tough job and were in a tough area. But then when you really need their help and they do nothing... The message it sends is if you move downtown prepare to be harassed and if something does go wrong youre on your own. Sweet. So much for fixing up the area. BTW, none of the stores will release any info to me. Only to the police and they let the precious weeks continue to slide by. ArGHHH!!!!
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:55:32 +0000

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