Revelation of Hell to 7 youths ( spiritlessons) --- 2nd - TopicsExpress


Revelation of Hell to 7 youths ( spiritlessons) --- 2nd Testimony --- [Testimony by Lupe] God bless you dear brothers. Lets read the Word of the Lord from Psalms 18:9, He bowed the heavens and came down; thick darkness was under His feet. When the Lord reached for my hand, I grabbed His hand, and we started to descend down the tunnel. The tunnel grew darker and darker to the point that I could not even see my hand that wasnt holding onto the Lords hand. Suddenly, we passed something that was dark and sparkling and making a noise. The darkness was so dense you could not even find the walls of the tunnel with your hand. Our descent was so fast that I felt like my soul was separating from my body. Soon there was a very foul odor, like the smell of rotten flesh. It was getting much worse by the second. Then I heard the voices of millions and millions of souls. They were endlessly shouting, crying out and moaning. I was so frightened that I turned to the Lord and said, Lord where are you taking me? Lord have mercy on me! Please have mercy on me! The Lord only said, It is necessary that you see this, so you can tell everyone else. HellWe continued going down through the horn-shaped tunnel until we arrived at a place that was pitch-dark. As if a heavy curtain was lifted from my eyes, I then saw millions and millions of flames. Even worse, I heard agonizing screams but couldnt see anyone. I was very scared. I said to the Lord, Oh please Lord, have mercy on me! Oh please Lord, have mercy on me! Dont take me to this place! Forgive me! At the time, I didnt think that I was just a spectator in hell; I thought it was the day of reckoning. Standing before the Lord Jesus, I shook violently because I really thought my life was coming to an end. We moved closer to a large flame that was ahead of us. It was huge and burning intensely. I continued to slowly descend as I watched multitudes of flames and heard millions of souls crying with one voice. Table with bottlesThen I saw a wooden table that was not being consumed by the fire. It had what appeared to be beer bottles on it. They looked refreshing, but they were full of fire. While I was looking, a man suddenly appeared. His flesh was almost completely destroyed and what was left of his clothes were muddy and burning. He had lost his eyes, mouth and all of his hair in the fire. He could see me, even though he had no eyes. I tell you, it is a person’s soul that thinks, reasons and truly sees, not their natural body. The man extended his skinny hand toward the Lord and started to cry out, saying, Lord, have mercy on me! Lord, have mercy on me! I am in pain! I am burning! Please have mercy and take me out of here! The Lord looked at him with compassion, and I started to feel something warm in my hand. I looked and found that it was blood...the blood of Jesus! The Lords blood came from His hand as He watched the man suffering in the flames. Then the man turned his gaze in the direction of the table and walked toward the bottles. He grabbed a bottle, and as he was about to drink from it, fire and smoke shot out of it. He put his head back and screamed like I had never heard anyone scream before. He cried with great pain and sorrow, and then started to drink what was in the bottle. The bottle was full of acid; it totally destroyed his throat. You could see the acid passing through his stomach and hurting him. The number 666 was engraved on the man’s forehead. On his chest was a plate made of some unknown metal that couldnt be destroyed, not even by the heat or the worms. It had some letters written on it that we could not understand. The Lord, in His great mercy, gave us the translation of what was written: I am here because I am a drunkard. He begged the Lord for mercy, but the Word of God is very clear when it tells us in 1 Corinthians 6:10, Thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God. The Lord showed me the mans last moments on earth as if I was watching a movie or film. Something like a large television screen showed me his last seconds before his death. The mans name was Luis and he was drinking in a bar. I saw the same table and the same bottles in the bar. His friends were around the table. (I can tell you this now, there is only ONE TRUE FRIEND, and His name is JESUS CHRIST. He is the Faithful Friend.) Luis was drinking and his friends were already drunk. His best friend took a bottle, broke it and started stabbing Luis. When he saw Luis lying on the floor he ran away, and Luis bled to death on the floor. The saddest thing was that he died without the Lord. In the middle of all this, as all those souls in hell were crying out, I asked the Lord, Oh Lord, please tell me, did this man know about you? Did he know about your salvation? The Lord sadly replied, Yes Lupe, he knew about Me. He accepted Me as his personal Savior, but he did not serve Me. Then I felt even more fear. Luis cried louder and shouted, Lord it hurts! It hurts! Please have mercy on me! He extended his hand again toward the Lord, but Jesus took my hand instead and we walked away from the flames. The flames consuming Luis became more intense, and he cried louder, Have mercy on me! Have mercy on me!! He then disappeared in the flames. We continued walking. The place was huge and very scary! We approached another flame and I said to the Lord, Lord, no! Please I dont want to see anymore of this! I beg You to forgive me! Please forgive me! I dont want to see this! I closed my eyes, but it didnt matter; open or closed, I still saw everything. The flame started to go down slowly and I began to see a woman. She was covered with mud, and the mud was full of worms. She had very little hair left, and she was caked with worm-infested mud. She was being consumed by the worms all over, and she shouted, Lord, have mercy on me! Lord, have mercy on me and forgive me! Look at me! It hurts! Have mercy on me! Take away these worms! Take me out of this torment, because it hurts so much! The Lord simply looked at her with great sorrow. As we held His hand, we could feel the pain and sorrow in the Lords heart for all the lost souls burning eternally in the flames of hell. The woman had no eyes or lips, but she could still see and feel; her pain was just stronger. She had a bottle in her hands that was full of acid, but she believed that it was perfume. I could see that it was acid and that every time she sprayed her body it burned her. Nevertheless, she still kept applying the acid to her body over and over again. She kept saying that it was an expensive perfume. She also believed that she was wearing a beautiful necklace, but all I saw were snakes wrapped around her neck. She believed that she was wearing very expensive bracelets, but I saw that they were actually worms, about a foot long, furiously digging into her bones. She said that her jewelry was all she had, but I saw scorpions and worms all over her body. She had a metal plate that everyone wears in hell. It read, I am here for robbery. The woman had no remorse for her sin. The Lord asked her, Magdalena, why are you here? She answered, It didnt bother me to steal from others. The only thing I cared about was having my jewelry and getting more expensive perfumes. I didnt care who I robbed as long as I looked good. I held onto Christs hand as I watched the worms burrow through her entire body. Magdalena turned around looking for something. I asked the Lord again, Lord, did this person know about you? And the Lord answered, Yes, this person knew me. Magdalena started to look around, saying, Lord where is that woman who talked to me about You? Where is she? I have been in hell for 15 years. All the people in hell can remember everything. Magdalena kept asking, Where is the woman? I cant see her! I knew her body could not turn around because her flesh remained in the same position. She tried to turn and look into other flames to find the woman who talked to her about God. The Lord replied, No! No, Magdalena, she is not here. The woman that told you about Me is with Me in the Kingdom of Heaven. Upon hearing this, she threw herself down in the flames, which burned her even more. Her metal plate condemned her as a thief. I want you to read in the Word of the Lord in Isaiah 3:24, It shall be, that instead of a sweet smell, there will be rottenness; instead of a girdle, a rope; instead of well-set hair, baldness; instead of a rich robe, a wrapping of sack-cloth; instead of beauty, a branding mark. As we continued walking with the Lord. I saw a very large column filled with worms. Around it was a slide made of red-hot metal. On the column was a brightly-lit billboard that could be seen from everywhere. The billboard read, Welcome all liars and gossipers. At the end of the slide was a small boiling lagoon. It looked like burning brimstone. Then I saw a totally-naked person come down the slide. As they slid, their skin peeled off and stuck to the slide. When they fell into the burning lagoon, their tongue expanded until it exploded and worms appeared in place of their tongue. This began their torment. The Word of God says in Psalm 73:18-19, Surely you set them in slippery places; you cast them down to destruction. How are they brought into desolation, as in a moment! They are utterly consumed with terrors. After seeing this, we were taken back, out of Hell. I just want to tell you that heaven and hell are even more real than this physical world that we know. It is here where you decide which direction you want to go: to spend eternity with Jesus or to a burning hell. The Lord kept saying to us, Without holiness no man will see Me. Without holiness no man will see Me. (Hebrews 12:14) That is why I tell you the same thing now, Without holiness you cannot see the Lord.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 03:23:18 +0000

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