Rich Mullins on Halloween and the Fourth of July: ----- “Oh, - TopicsExpress


Rich Mullins on Halloween and the Fourth of July: ----- “Oh, incidently, that... that evil king of England that the United States rebelled against—I had this lady one time... We were doing a concert around Halloween and I, just trying to be nice I said, “Wow,” you know, “you have such a beautiful city here and... all the jack-o-lanterns looked so cool on the way into the concert,” you know, they were all lit up and, and just really looked pretty—and this lady came up afterwards and she was really mad. And she said, you know, “Why are you,” ah, “advocating the celebration of Halloween” and I said “I wasnt. I was just [background noise] carved up pumpkins. And she said, “Well, dont you know that Halloween is of the devil,” and I said, “Well, you know, Im sorry, I still like pumpkins with candles in them... Im not sure Im Satanic or anything.” And she said, “Well do you have children?” and I said, “No.” And she said, “Well if you had children you would understand.” And I said, “Man, if I had children, we would carve pumpkins *year round*. We would light candles in *your honor*.” “So lady, do you like fire crackers?” And she said, “Yes.” And I said, “Well, do you associate fire crackers with any holidays?” And she said, “Yes.” I said, “What?” “Fourth of July.” I said, “Well, what is the Fourth of July a celebration of?” And she said, “Its a celebration of our independence.” And I said, “Youre wrong! Its a celebration of a rebellion. Against the rightful king of England. And—doesnt the Bible say that rebellion is... as unto witchcraft? So if you can have your firecrackers, Id like my jack-o-lanterns.” ----- A classic Rich Mullins teaching moment—Tozer and Twain in an unpredictable tangle. He has you in stitches while hes busy ruffling all your theological paradigms. Then you walk away wondering, “Is this guy some kind of genius or just some kind of nuts?” You can hear the whole clip this was taken from if you start at about 1:17:40 on this video. This printed excerpt is part of a longer clip in which Mullins was dissecting the “legend that... that the Pilgrims came to this country because they wanted religious freedom which... anyone thats had even a... mild introduction to American history knows that that cant possibly be true.” https://youtube/watch?v=xZLFGZ6zpeI
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 03:06:50 +0000

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