Rights vs. Obligations In the good ole days, the idea of civic - TopicsExpress


Rights vs. Obligations In the good ole days, the idea of civic responsibility was a standard part of American society. But today we live in a society where everyone seems concerned about their rights: Whats in it for me? What do I get out of it? The Jewish perspective, however, is always from the standpoint of responsibility. For example, when the Talmud discusses property damage, it always states the law in terms of Joe is responsible to pay Bob, as opposed to Bob has the right to collect from Joe. The Sages say: Greater is someone who does a good deed by being commanded, than one who does so voluntarily. Why? Because when were obligated, our desire for independence makes us resistant. So if we can overcome that to perform the good deed, then were a bigger person because of it. From an early age, its important to educate children to fulfill obligations. To ensure they grow from experiences, stop a child after hes done a good deed and ask him how it feels. Then ask him, Would you sell this pleasure for a dollar? No way! This demonstrates to children the preciousness of doing good deeds. Make a list of your obligations to mankind, God, society, family, friends, teachers, self. Then enjoy fulfilling them. The Deepest Obligations Judaism says that our greatest obligation is to become great. God gave us the tools and we mustnt squander them. Thats why wisdom is an obligation. Wisdom is the water that helps us grow. Without it, we get stuck. For many people, their primary struggle is not over doing the right thing, but rather not being sure what the right thing is! Happiness is also an obligation. Western society thinks that happiness is optional. (If I want to be depressed, thats my prerogative.) But really, being happy is part of being considerate to those around us. When a person lives optimistically and joyfully, his energy spreads. A miserable person, likewise, spreads misery. Imagine how you would feel if your parents or your friends were always unhappy. Wouldnt it drag you down? So work on giving happiness to others, just as youd want them to give you.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 01:08:59 +0000

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