Rising up to meet the threat of Radical Islam and its religious - TopicsExpress


Rising up to meet the threat of Radical Islam and its religious jihad, the caliphate is on the move from Russia to the United States and the rest of the western world. As those of us with common sense and real world experience said; IF we pull out of the middle east a vacuum will be created. And THEN the islamic terrorist would rush in to fill the void and exploit the misstep. Well, it has come to fruition, the cost? 10s of thousands killed, Christians persecuted, be-headings and continued threats. NOT only did NObama create this chaotic blood-letting, he TOLD EVERYONE when the US would leave!!! UNREAL!!! WHY doesnt anyone seem to learn from history? This exact scenario has played out myriad times over the centuries, each ending with the deaths of untold innocents. Why are/were we in the middle-east? For the oil? NO (we have plenty, along with our allies in North America IF we choose to exploit it in a responsible way) America was there so we would have a foothold to keep an eye on the real world nuclear threat that is Iran. The collateral reason(s) are to flush out the monstrous cretins from their rat holes so we may send them to meet their contingent of 72 Virgin GOATS!! Also to destroy terrorist training camps, it also keeps them busy and prevents them from not being able to have 100% focus on attacking America at home. While nothing is fool-proof or guaranteed, this is the strategy that was put into place when cooler hands and experienced minds occupied the White House and Pentagon. Was it perfect? No, but, there was much better control than we have now. THIS is the most pressing issue and will dominate at least 25+ years hence. WITHOUT a free republic and citizens, how much is the weather/climate, or any other issue going to matter. Marxist tenets abound with the Islamofacist terrorist, THEY LOVE that we are bantering about climate change and other MEANINGLESS things as they solidify their power and project their sick ideology across a wide swath of the middle-east and europe. Wake up, we need to make this JOB#1, sort this out and THEN we can banter back and forth about other, very less pressing issues. LASTLY; IF China and India do NOTHING in regards to so-called man-made climate change, THAT MAKES anything else ANY other country may do, even more useless and ludicrous. *I personally believe, in real time, that the US and Russia (along with the rest of the western world) should join forces to eradicate this disease known as Radical Islam. Then, when it is either defeated or at least quarantined/controlled to mutually acceptable levels, we could learn to bridge our differences OR go right back to what we had about 30 years ago. I WOULD NOT recommend staying where we are now with this inept-farm league foreign policy fool we have for potus, it would mean that communism comes out on top. REMEMBER; WE CAN NOT CHOOSE to simply end a war by just saying it is ended. There are those that look to eradicate our way of life and our very existence, and THEY ARE NOT sleeping on the job and choking on their own words. This countries so-called leaders drag their feet, while leading from behind (because of intended and unintended consequences) and play with definitions of words and events, islamic terrorist continue to recruit, train and die in a religious jihad. IT is high time the American people of this republic rise up to both meet this very real threat and DEMAND that our employees (politicians) carry out their sworn oath to Preserve and Protect the Constitution of the United States,” so help me God. AGAIN, this is exactly as NObama putting out his ludicrous line about jobs; saved or created, because he KNEW that the numbers could never be proved as factual or not. YET ANOTHER, play with words that is costing this great republics economy, freedoms and safety, as the mindless fools that supported and STILL continue to support him, follow in lock step, heads in the sand, into the abyss of insolvency and irrelevancy.
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 01:11:08 +0000

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