Road to Change took 2 years to plan. The original prospected - TopicsExpress


Road to Change took 2 years to plan. The original prospected budget for walking 10,000 miles on an awareness campaign around 32 nations was a quarter of a million pounds...Id never walked 10,000 miles before, or convinced a foreign government to change their laws before, I somehow just believed I could but the 200 companies we approached for support didnt... I slashed the budget down to the very minimum I could do the walk on (£52K) and hoped that if I start walking then companies will realise I am serious. We set up a just giving for £25K (half what we needed) and hoped the public would believe in the projects potential for creating change as we did then once Id convince a couple of governments to change the maybe the companies would come on board. As hoped, the public immediately got right behind us but today, over a year into the walk, despite Road to Change having reached millions on TV, Radio and Newspapers across the EU, even the company who make the boots I wear, who have had phenomenal free advertising from the project still will not support us. I have walked nearly 10,000km and have over 6000km left and Im proud that we made it this far on the kindness of strangers, who are now becoming friends from all over Europe and back home. We believe in this project and we have a growing list of significant national and individual change that we have created, and we want to finish it. We are so inexpressibly grateful for the warmth of generous support we have received to get us this far. We dont live in luxury and Ive slashed the budget again but I know we can finish the project if we can hit £40K (That was the original expected cost of the motorhome but Yvonne was £4K - 10% of that) So to help Road to Change complete the last six months and Reach the Royal mile, check out our new fundraising target page and then grab a cup o tea and watch the wee film we made to show you guys how we are doing this. https://justgiving/roadtochangeroyalmile https://youtube/watch?v=qDKQuTTDXdw
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 16:40:39 +0000

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