Robert Zmuda--- I dont care what party you take you oath to , if - TopicsExpress


Robert Zmuda--- I dont care what party you take you oath to , if you vow is supportive to party over country YOU ARE A TRAITOR TO OUR NATION! I am against anything toxic being built ON OR NEAR THE AQUIFER. We can survive with out Canadian Tar Sand Oil but we need water to Survive. Im against eminent domain expecially if its a foreign country allowed to take American citizens land FOR ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY. SEEMS TO ME YOU TEABAGGERS, LIBERTARIANS AND RETHUGLICANS SELL YOUR PRINCIPALS FOR A LITTLE RIGHT WING ASS KISS . SHAME ON YOU Jay Son, Im a union supporter, but if they are willing to put the drinking water of 7 state in danger ill fight them on this one tooth and nail. It is Canadian Tar Sand Oil. To run it through a pipe line they have to mix it with 150 different toxic chemicals,heat it and move it through the pipe line at 2500 psi. It will travel under ground over the Oglala Aquifer that supplies drinking water to the people , cattle and crops in 7 States. The bill clears the Canadian company of any fault for spills and any clean up costs. Tar Oil Sand sandblasts the inside of the pipeline and when it leaks out at 2500 psi it sinks in water. If it springs a leak over the Oglala Aquifer it will sink and could take years to find. Canadian Tar Oil Sands is to be pumped to American refineries to be refined taking those refineries off line to refining AMERICAN CONSUMER PETROLEUM PRODUCTS CAUSING GAS PRICES TO GO UP $.50 or more a gallon. Those refineries are located in Texas in whats called a FOREIGN FREE TAX ZONE . The contracts for the refined products are already filled and none the contracts are for America consumption. The only thing We Amercan citizens are getting in the congressional SCAM is the toxic waste left after refining, higher gas prices, and a MAJOR WATER SHORTAGE NATION WIDE WHEN THE PIPE LINE LEAKS, not to mention the expense to clean it up . CALL YOR CONGRESS PERSON AND TELL THEM NO ON THE PIPE LINE! Elizabeth Bosley the congress had 4 days of hearings ,look them up on u tube . I watched them on c-span when they took place. Here is one of the hearings over an hour long , EDUCATE YOURSELVES! Call congress 202-224-3121 ..
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 22:00:43 +0000

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