Rochus Misch interview on Hitler’s death snippet I think it’s - TopicsExpress


Rochus Misch interview on Hitler’s death snippet I think it’s happened.“ The shot. I don’t know whether Goebbels or Bormann said: “Linge, Linge!” (That’s the butler, right? He was supposed be the first to go in there.) “I think it’s happened.” But then maybe half an hour went by, or maybe even a little longer, until somebody said again… Everybody was as quiet as a corpse. Not one person spoke. Telephone service connected with Goebbels, or with whoever was still there, Bormann… There was no one else. And… we waited until someone said: “Open the door! Go look!” I don’t know now – They were next to one another – whether Linge or Günsche, the adjutant, opened the door. I think it was Günsche who opened the door – and I was standing three-or-four meters away… and I looked in… “What happens now?” The second door to the compartment where he had shot himself. There was, as you enter, on the right side, the couch, the sofa; there was Eva had crawled up with her knees drawn together […] like that; she was on the couch… and Hitler was… next to one another… I can’t say for sure now: “Was he sitting in the armchair or on the end of the couch?” I can’t say exactly now. Anyway, they were together and Hitler was here, like this [Bends over forward and to the right, head down.} with his head; and Eva here. Even today I see how the two of them… Eva had a dark blue heart with a white […] and Hitler was there. And then I… I said to my comrade who was covering for me…I’m going to run to Schädle, to our commanding officer… As a soldier, I had to report, right… what was happening there… I ran there through the corridor, we had an underground corridor, maybe a hundred-and-fifty meters, an underground hallway, from the outer bunker to the New Reich Chancellery. And in the corridor, I stopped and turned on my heels… On the one hand, I wanted to flee; on the other hand, I wanted I didn’t want to neglect anything. That’ll… then I… I turned on my heels and came back. Hitler was lying dead on the floor; I hadn’t grasped that yet… Hitler was there… that was just minutes, seconds, fractions of… he was lying there on the floor and they had already moved him a few… I watched that… as they carried him up, past me and out into the garden. Then I ran to my commanding officer in the New Reich Chancellery and told him what happened: “The Führer is dead.” “When?” I said: „“Just now; he’s just being carried up.“ Then I… went back to my comrade: “Don’t stay away too long; come right back again.” And I say: “Absolutely!” Right, then I came back. Hitler was carried up alright. Then, when I came back from my commanding officer, my comrade said: “So, now the boss is being cremated. Run up quick and watch! I was afraid. “No, I’m not going up there. You go!“ He said: “No, I’m taking off now.“ He didn’t want to go up either… up there in the garden. I mean, everything is related to everything. And then it was… there […] heard Hitler went into a bomb crater and was doused with gasoline… but that’s common knowledge… that’s been known a long time, what happened there. I didn’t want to see any of that up there. Afterward a comrade, P[…] from the Reich Security Service told me [that] during the cremation there was a wall to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Foreign Office… a wall… two civilians suddenly appeared; and they shot the civilians. That’s what my comrade from the Reich Security Service told me. Then it turned out that they were two Poles. How they ended up in the garden, I don’t know. […] That all happened up there. Then, I said to Günsche: “Why didn’t… there’s so much building material… wood… [they] should’ve used wood, like in India… logs placed over one another, then the body on top… but to just throw the boss like that, into the pit… I hurt me that they burned Hitler that way.”]
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 22:47:03 +0000

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