Rogue Build Tips (Indonesia) Stats : STR AGI VIT | 35 32 30 [nb : - TopicsExpress


Rogue Build Tips (Indonesia) Stats : STR AGI VIT | 35 32 30 [nb : Awal awal naikin STR dulu , karna AGI tambahan kritikalnya enggak berasa, jadi lebih efisien tambah STR . Kenapa Vit 30 ? di level 50 nanti butuh banget darah buat RHD / Raid Bapho . kalo enggak punya darah , sekali getok mati bro. ] 1. Double Attack, dari awal sampai maks , skill kebangsaan lo = Max 2. Deadly Blow , Double atk sampai combo point 5 , pakai skill ini = Max 3. Combo Training , Untuk tambah chance +1 combo point dari skill = Max 4. Genoicide Mark , Buff Crit 2% = Max 5. Dagger Throw , bwt tarik momon aja = 1 Point 6. Poison , gw lupa ini 10 % dmg ato rate = terserah lo 1 s/d Max ( kalo ada sisa point aja ) 7. Hiding, terus skill jadi double dmg , gw biasa combo sama Dagger Throw = 1 Point 8. Cross Impact , GAK PENTING ! = 1 Point cuman buat syarat ambil skill lanjutannya. 9. Combo Mastery , Chance supaya pas skill yang makan Combo Point enggak kepake . = Max 10 . Duel Stab , gw pake ini cuman buat dapetin 2 combo Point = 1 Point 11. Dirty Plan , Reset Skill + 5 Combo Point = 2 Point.. kenapa? alesannya baca di paling bawah.. wkwk 12 . Gangster Paradise , BEST SKILL EVER , gw gak pernah ngepot semenjak ada skill ini , terimakasih GP = Max 13. Crescent Moon , untuk buat musuh Knock Down / Stun . cuman buat syarat ambil skill di bawahnya = 1 Point 14. Death of Mark , Untuk Boss / PVP , nambahin 10% dmg smua yang nyerang ke target . ( tulisannya sih Rogue doang, tapi gw rasa semua deh ) 15. Moonlight Dance , kalau lo tau Sonic Blow skill Assasin RO 1 , ini versi RO 2 nya di Rogue . 16. Unstabble Dopping , Passive : 1. Chance dapat dopping critical / Attack Power selama 15 detik . 2. Setiap ngepot, dapet + Attack Power durasi 2 menit Kelebihan Rogue : 1. Fastest DPS : 1 skill = 3 hit [ Double Attack + 1 Poison] 2. High Survivability , GANGSTER PARADISE !!! 3. Easy Solo Hunter , GANGSTER PARADISE !!! 4. Kaga pke pot.. Kaya raya ( char pake lilin sm kain hitam ) , GANGSTER PARADISE !!! 5. GANGSTER PARADISE !!! 6. Mark of Death buat Boss bantu banget . &. Ini yang Mutlak ! Gear 50 nya keren abis Rogue enggak butuh costume lagi . well, keren nomor 1 , yang lain nomor buntut singapur . Kekurangan Rogue : 1. Hiding , jalannya lama, kalo buat Battle PvP musuh nya keburu naik ojek 2. Critical enggak sebagus si asin , tapi cukup balance lah, critical masih keluar kok . enggak jadi masalah buat gw 3. AoE Sampah ! tapi setau gw , sins juga AoE nya jelek kaya muka lo . ============= Jadi Combonya Dual Stab -> Double Attack sampai combo point 5 -> Dance of Moonlight -> Ulangi -> Deadly Blow kalo DoM masih CD . Kalo darah udah 50 % tinggal ...... GANGSTER PARADISE !!! Mark Of Death + Dirty Plan When boss battles start, MAKE SURE YOU USE MARK OF DEATH FIRST. So all other dps classes will have their damage boosted. Also, as soon as you first use MoD, make sure you use Dirty Plan afterwards. Always look for the MoD debuff icon and when it runs out, cast it again. If you followed my build and you have Dirty Plan at Lv 2, after the 2nd MoD runs out, the skill should be at 90s cooldown and Dirty Plan at 120s. The reason why I have Dirty Plan at Lv 2 is so that MoD will go out of CD first before Dirty Plan does. After the 3rd MoD duration runs out, Dirty Plan should be at 10s left before it’s out of cd, and once it does, use it and cast MoD again. Rinse and repeat. My raid party always kills the boss after the 3rd-4th MoD when I follow this cycle. If you max Dirty Plan, it will be out of cd 30s earlier than MoD cd after the 2nd MoD runs out, but I feel that the30s that has elapsed from MoD’s cd by this time will go to waste if you use Dirty Plan first.
Posted on: Tue, 03 Sep 2013 06:57:29 +0000

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