Romans 6:6 The way I have come to understand these death of the - TopicsExpress


Romans 6:6 The way I have come to understand these death of the old man principles and verses (theyre there so we cant take them for granted) is when Christ gave up His spirit on the cross and said it is finished He won the war against sin and death, and satan lost. Corinthians says he became sin who knew no sin so that the righteousness of God could be manifested in us 2 Corinthians 5:21, our sin was imputed on Him and His righteousness was imputed on us at the cross. Thats what it took in order for God to justify us, to pardon us, since He is a just God, He cannot over look sin. Its a picture of the old testament on the Day of Atonement when the High Priest in Leviticus 16 would take the two goats, with one he would sacrifice and sprinkle its blood on the Mercy Seat and the other goat he would place his hands on and verbally infer all the sins of the people on it (the scape goat) and then would send it out into the wilderness never to be allowed back. An OT picture physical picture of a NT spiritual truth, of what Christ would do to truly atone for our sins once and for all who would believe or who are called, He would bleed and His blood would pay the price for our sins (always by blood and death, Leviticus 17:11) and He would carry them upon Himself as our scape goat, never to be counted against us again. So by faith (our initial gift from God) we come to accept this one time event of propitiation (Christs perfect atonement on our behalf) and see these passages starting with Romans 6:6, Galatians 2:20, Colossians 2:20; 3:3 as the end result of the cross. Our old man was taken to death there, our new man was raised to life there, all this took place the moment we accepted Gods gift of faith and appropriated it as truth, just as we believe Christ died and rose, we too died and rose. He rose and returned to His Father, on our first step of faith we believed and were made new, God saw us dead and the new man was born, the old man born in Adam is dead, the new man born in Christ is alive, we do still have the ability to sin in our flesh, but thats no longer who we are. Paul says in Romans 7:23 I see this different law in the members of my body raging war against the law of my mind, making me a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my members. What a wretched man I am, who will set me free from this body of death? So I see this principal at work in our new man, not the old (he is dead) there is a spiritual war waging between in our minds, we will be having this war to our grave Galatians 5:17, but as Paul goes on to say, but praise be to Christ who gives us the victory. I dont believe there are two men or even two natures, but one nature, or new man with the same mind which is daily being transformed by our exercising of our faith by stepping out in it and of course by spending time with Him in His Word and prayer. Thats my (His) story, and were sticking to it! Hungry for Him, Rick
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 10:55:39 +0000

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