Rome was not built IN A DAY. There isnt any opportunity where - TopicsExpress


Rome was not built IN A DAY. There isnt any opportunity where you will create $10,000/month income for yourself overnight. All those business pitchers who say otherwise make a fool of you. Of course there are people who join new business opps and make huge money right from the start. But they build it upon their huge assets that you may not have now. These assets are: their personal brand, connections, friendships, proven marketing strategies, proven sales funnels etc. Unfortunately for the average person it will take some time to build this regular, stable monthly income. How to jump over this high bar? The KEY is to create and market FUNDED PROPOSALS so you GET PAID even when people dont join your team. Most leads do not perceive your opportunity as a light in their tunnel and do not join you. A Funded Proposal is a marketing plan that you can use to sell an inexpensive information product to your target market. Of course these products are the ones that are bringing good value (training, other tools) but are not your primary offer and they are much cheaper than your primary offer. You make money, the prospect gets valuable information and you start having concrete relationship with that prospect who rejected your main product but took action and made use of your funded proposal product. Everyone who said YES once is more likely to say YES few other times as well. And you dont have to wait months to make huge residual monthly income based on your main offer but start to make good money from your funded proposal. I personally focus on high-ticket products but make good cash along the way revealing to people my funded proposal. You can check it here: INSANEoutcome/START
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 15:16:20 +0000

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