Round 3: forget what I said about Baker Bros in round 2. Another - TopicsExpress


Round 3: forget what I said about Baker Bros in round 2. Another BB team came out today. Still have a small leak, may be in same place they repaired or in my bathroom, so small they cant find it. SF adjuster was here when they were, he told me they over charged me by over a grand. He also kept asking about water damage, kept telling him none. He picked up the baseboard they took off, a little bit of green like algae on it, bingo! Water damage! So they will cover drywall, tile, paint & have it done. But have to wait till other leak found & repaired. Calling him tomorrow, plumber said hed be back in 2 or 3 weeks to see if leak gets bad enough to detect it. Ah Hell No. My washer & dryer sit on a board, I know theyll move around. Dishwasher leak that ruined cabinets, yes SF will cover, after $2K deductible. And thats not tearing them out, just replacing inside. Dont really care, just doing everything fast as I can to get out of here. Johns not doing well, bad reaction to Lipitor, all statins the same really, too weak to do his walking, not good. Have a friend thats a pharmacist, hes helped me get my cholesterol normal now working on John. Supplement not script. That should get him off of statins. So Im doing all the house stuff till hes better, hope to be out of here 6-12 mo. NOT moving in the summer! But will have to put most of furniture in storage to clean carpet & show house. With Toyota coming in timing should be good. Engineers were here, think they were about 12 & 14. NO foundation problems or issues of any kind!! And the kicker, literally: guys were putting washer & dryer back in place, having trouble pushing dryer, one guy started kicking washer at the base to move it. I believe he has ear damage now, he didnt know I was behind him. Really?? Then I turned them on, had them in the wrong place, really matters due to the way the doors open. Made them switch them. Ive been inconvenienced enough. Thanks again for listening, hope this doesnt go to Round 12!
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 03:09:12 +0000

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