Roxanne Gill shared Дмитрий Чекалкинs photo. - TopicsExpress


Roxanne Gill shared Дмитрий Чекалкинs photo. Are they related to each other? J/K! Alexander Nojnec: She is the perfect candidate to smack down all the little good that Ukraine has managed to build in some time. Talk about Runoff and Yulia Tymoshenko is nothing. All and everything, in fact, is understandable. It is estimated that Tymoshenko after her body left only the electorate that it will not go away for nothing, and all the other already safely went to other parties. Even so, it is worth saying a few still not obvious, it looks like things. Put Forward the list number Savchenko-it was a very strong move. And even an attempt to make it all as Yulia Tymoshenko has donated his first spot on the party list was a success. With the people of our politicians are in luck. No one not emphasized that Yulia Vladimirovna donated not my first place, and the sixteenth spot, for which she produced Alexander Kuzhel. Because if Batkivshchyna runs in Elections, there are not one, but immediately to the first 15 people list, there are no risks nor Tymoshenko on the first or second field. If she got in the thirtieth place in the list-it would be a move. Like, come on, did the same, all Ukrainians, naprâžem rolls, will heroically, will show the world the appearance, not the Yulia Tymoshenko chairs the Verkhovna Rada may not dolezt′. But the bold stroke of Yulia Tymoshenko did not go. It is obvious. Will-will not work, and you can seat and fly past. And the tactics that youre not in the Parliament, and your comrades remain under your control do not seem to work. Vaughn, to hold meeting with Yatseniuk, Turchynov for a couple of years broke the structure of euro-literally to pieces his Voice Change. Otverneš′sâ-and supporters have already led the party and the Frost to throw away. When Lazarenko this was not. Although, hey... But, in any case. To the top of the list is a good technological progress. As a PR man, I can only endorse, because against the backdrop of the falling ranking party is very correct and witty. People who are willing to vote for the hope we have is full Savchenko, Ukraine, unlike people who are willing to vote for Yulia Tymoshenko. So in terms of technology, the problem of the Euro is not Savchenko and Tymoshenko. If the list was only Savchenko homeland would be scored per cent of seventy, and is teetering on the brink of failure in the Parliament. Because someone antirejtinga no, someone who fought for their country, showed heroism during the interrogation of the separatists and then tricked was taken to RUSSIA, which now is absolutely wild and nepravednomu justice. And someone had two years in sanatorium-resort conditions, Korça of Nelson Mandela at the death. Although the frame from any Dungeon of raw, in which Tymoshenko, the Ukrainian bûdžetnika involuntarily clenched his fists, because most of the population of Ukraine is compelled to hard work every day, to live in conditions worse than those in which Tymoshenko as the fleas. And this is antirejting. However, and even that is not the main problem, which dries me brains when I think about her and Runoff. When I think about her and Runoff, I involuntarily think about Putin. (What is it, petya? And because I always think about Putin, Vasily Ivanovich. If so, what with * Ka ... ) look. If you think that youre Putin, and Ukraine are nearing the legislative election. What you want, if you dont count the nuclear strike, flying with cranes and curds? You want to maximize your wardrobe. You want to call and the incapacity of the supreme legislative body of the country. To the fight, and continued to sit in Parliament as many of the implacable enemies of the President you want. In that case, you have multiple allies. The opposition bloc and strong Ukraine occupied idiocy, that is vyryvaniem each other for the same electorate. This is netehnologično and silly and, in the case of call in Parliament they are still figures time and expendable, because their people were still postrelâet. So what do you do to bid in the game at least a middle distance, maximum-no support now, in the hope that Tigipko would be able to squeeze in a couple of votes of Poroshenko, speaking with the same about positions that Poroshenko, only more wadded audience. But Tymoshenko is the ideal candidate to smack down all the little good that Ukraine has managed to build over time. That is, to arrange such a scandal in a noble family of people boil completely, and will destroy all who are gathered in the Government quarter, not dismantling bat′kivŝinovcev from udarovcev. Tymoshenko is a candidate who hates Conflict since the mid-2000s, and who is the world champion of empty populism. Actually, this empty populism, Tymoshenko is in right now. All-Ukrainian NATO membership referendum on election day on October 26 is that the empty train to populism. Its great that we have the whole country will vote on joining the NATO. Only then this bullshit that NATO does not care about our opinion on this issue. There is also our desire to have a desire to the NATO and its member countries. And if it were so easy, then Poroshenko to hold meeting with Yatseniuk wouldnt have waited for as long as they tell me that Tymoshenko should join NATO. And the all-Ukrainian referendum Tymoshenko needs to, first, the cancelled so she could complain about the criminal machinations of the authorities. And secondly, to getting the results that we all want NATO to start yelling that people said unanimously, and power not itches, and therefore we are not in NATO, although if Yulia Vladimirovna and not tears and snot, Peter, we would already be in Galactic Space Marines to take the rights of associate member. And heres the ideal candidate problem. The problem is that its all zatrahal for the whole country, and vote for him no one wants. That you, Putin, will do on this site? You will help the candidate-Deathwing. Feel what I am? Exactly. I am the Hope Savchenko appear in the list of euro by agreement with the Kremlin. That is why the hope, by the way, is in jail, and instead of family and friends is seen with the guards and doctors who conduct a mental examination. A month ago Hope Savchenko had lists of the detained citizens of Ukraine, who had been abducted or illegally detained there exchanged after the Minsk accords. However, why Putin, which is extremely important to show their loyalty to the world community, and slow down the set of sanctions and show respect for the Minsk agreements does not let Savchenko? In General, any benefits for him it does not bear, right? She just sits in prison and symbolizes the heroism and the Ukrainian neslomlennost′ of the Ukrainian people. What is the use of prock? Its time to let go though. But if Hope Savchenko let go now, before the elections, why and who will vote for Tymoshenko? Now it is clear why it vote-to Hope Savchenko was protected by diplomatic immunity, and that the Kremlin was forced to let go of your forward clutches. And if its next week, and so will already be available? Why vote for Tymoshenko? Already there, let Yulia Tymoshenko in the frost will walk. So Hope Savchenko will wear in the middle of the Russian Federation t-shirts with the Trident in front of all the cameras and show its will to win. Not knowing that her release is tied only to the parliamentary results of Yulia Tymoshenko. Moreover, I have a strong suspicion that if the Motherland in Parliament will not pass, the Hope Savchenko rather quickly released. Because its inconvenient prisoner, from which no benefit except the image damage. So, it would quietly bored quickly, so as not to provoke anyone again. But if Parliament will Fight then there are chances that the epic free Savchenko drags on for many months, if not years. Its Feigen, the famous lawyer Savchenko that can arrange a Court of beautiful show, which ends for his charges to the world fame. And yet the real prison terms. And then what will be Yulia Tymoshenko in Parliament to fight for freedom Hopes Savchenko. Gain political points by discrediting and demand the immediate imposition of special forces into the territory of the Voronezh JAIL and PRISON No. 6 in Moscow. Thats what happens when a soldier and hero gets into the world of intrigue and high politics. His play blind, forcing shine orders in the desired direction and cover their heroism darkest deeds cynical m * of the Dacians. Not only Nadia Savchenko and Euro-case. A lot of war we have now in different party lists. Source: petrimazepa/ua/fubar.html (Translated by Bing)
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 23:18:37 +0000

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