Ruler’s Law (Total Government Control) By John Stevenot On - TopicsExpress


Ruler’s Law (Total Government Control) By John Stevenot On December 13, 2011 · Leave a Comment ... . Ruler’s Law – Law making, execution, and overseeing completely dominated by a ruling class, family, or organization (such as a government or corporation). Many of us today are slightly hesitant to be giving our government and civic leaders more power than they should have. Sadly though, it seems that we have little to no control over the amount allotted to them. It seems like every year or two, government officials get one more law or one more perk that seems to keep the average American citizen from becoming a part of the decision making process of government or takes away a little piece of freedom. Now, one of the biggest problems that I have been able to come up with is the question of, when do our freedoms go away and when has the government taken total control? Some will say it happened a long time ago, others will say it won’t happen for another 100 years. I would have to say that both points of view are essentially right. At this point in time, I would say that government is very close to transitioning from the people controlling, creating, and following the law, to the government becoming, executing, and creating the law. The following would be a list of “signs” that you can take and compare to today’s government to see if we are falling siege to “Ruler’s Law” 1.Authority by the ruler is always taken by force, violence, or conquest. 2.All power is held and distributed between those who are decedents of the ruling or have ties that will extend that rule to far other reaches of the world. 3.The people are no longer equal, they have become subjects and have been placed into “classes”. 4.The country is now the “property” of the Ruler, it is “his” or “her” nation/country/land. 5.The power of the ruling class is from the top down – ruler -> lower class/subjects — instead of from the people up. 6.People have no rights that are given to them by God. 7.Government is led by emotion and rash actions instead of by fact and most importantly law that has been set down by the people. 8.The Ruler issues the laws and enforces them as he sees fit. 9.Problems are always solved with more laws, edicts, regulations, and increases in taxes. 10.Freedom for the people is never a choice for the Ruler, their power relies on control of the masses. 11.The people are in a persistent state of poverty, excessive taxation, and complete loss of hope that their situation will change. Personally, I can see six, maybe even seven of these “signs” in today’s government. How can we sit by and watch our great nation become another chapter in forgotten history? History is written by the conquerer, no one will remember that this nation once held the key to a successful life, unchained liberty, and a never ending pursuit of personal gain, satisfaction, and happiness.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 14:47:57 +0000

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